No respect
December 20, 2014 at 5:10pm
The Labour Party has set up its Redtouch phone stall near the flights of stairs just inside city gate, adding some trademark shabbiness and spoiling the look.
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I thought it was a mobile toilet of some sort.
Vote Labour, get Labour
And the Peruvian panpipe-playing megatroupe opposite, and the noise from the Red Touch sound system, and the Red Touch intervisti ‘Maltin’ mal-poplu, and the stinking old tramps urinating on Piano’s steps (the Yellow Garage, literally elevated), and the hawkers selling tat from the bus station all the way to Piazza Regina, and Celine Dion getting one up the hoop from Bocelli…
Indeed, barbarians inside the gate.
Barberini succeeded where the barbarians had failed.
One thing is sure. They do it on purpose.
…or simply, because they do not know any better standards.
They do not know neither do they care about the meaning of standards thanks to Mintoff’s legacy.
Malta Tagħna Kollha!
Gvern u Partit bil-mentalita’ tas-suq. Bla ebda sens ta’ gost.
Prova oħra li l-Lejber ma nbidilx.
Ħmar taqtagħlu denbu, ħmar jibqa’.
To be honest, when I first heard them being advertised on the radio or TV a few years ago, I thought it was a spoof add, as I could have sworn that they were advertising “Raċanċ Phone”.
The advert was in Maltese and I wasn’t expecting the product to have an English name, so my brain sought out the closest Maltese word.
U iwa, b’daqshekk, mhux xorta.
Dak ghax in-Nazzjonalisti ma ghandhomx kjosk, ghax kieku hekk kienu ghamlu.
Meta konntu fil-gvern Austin kien ghamel hekk ukoll (sorry Austin, you are the perennial bogey man as far as Labour are concerned).
And that is how the other half and a bit of the Maltese think.
Who the hell still uses Redtouch?
You find it hard to believe how many still use this provider, just to help the partit.
What kind of permit do you need to set up a stall there?
You ain’t seen nothing yet. Just wait until the Monti relocates to a few metres away from the Parliament building
I always understood them as saying ‘rettacc’, as in ‘tar-rettacc’ when i finally saw it written i then also grasped the #facepalm emoticon!
Wait until the ‘monti’ stalls are permanently set-up just after the new parliament building – they are doing their best to ridicule Piano’s masterpiece.
Shoddy is their name and shoddy is their game.
This is where shoddy statesmanship has got us:
”Malta interfering in Libya’s affairs – charge d’affaires Mr Misurati states.” TOM
Perhaps the government would care to explain how this came about in plain language rather in the cryptic DOI release it has issued so far. The date when Mr. Misurati was accepted as charge d’affaires is also of interest to the Maltese public.
AND another press release on the subject which leaves us so much wiser.
One really wonders who, if anyone, is looking out for Malta.
Like (if you wish to link)
Remember 1897 when Malta was rid of the Labour Party.
Well this time round it may be even sweeter.
Meanwhile we got rid of Arriva at a 10,000,000 euro annual subsidy so that in January we’ll introduce Autobuses de Leon for a 23,000,000 euro annual subsidy and an inferiour service.
Enjoy Autobuses de Branca Leon
I meant 1987 actually
Where shall I start?
1) hot air re MOU with Azerbaijan
2) defending Azerbaijan’s democratic credentials
3) boasting about SOCAR’s credentials – no mention of Gasol’s
4) diplomacy at its best about Dubai, which has invested very significantly in Malta from Go to SmartCity
5) Shanghai Electric Power, but the contract remains a mystery
6) insular mentality about jobs for the Maltese rather than the multiplier effect of EU citizens working here
7) mentions his outriders but no mention of children’s escort to school or wife shopping.
All in one fell swoop of a speech:
You missed out on the Finance Minister this morning on ONE radio defending the gong given to the Saudi Prince on the grounds that it isn’t our place to question how they repress, I mean, run their kingdom (and disregard human rights), because money is money.
So much for the moderate, liberal and most femminist government Malta ever had.
X’tistenna minn dal-qabda nies injoranti u bla kultura li jmexxu lill-pajjiż.
U jiftahru bl-injoranza taghhom. Cwiec.
Horror vacui was never more auto-referential.
Compare with this,
It is a certainty they will not do away with the shacks littering the old terminus, and if anyone had to suggest pruning the gigantic trees obscuring the sense of place, we’d get another Gozo incident.
But what really gets the biscuit is the row of site offices acting as drivers’ mess plonked a couple meters away from the Tritons’ fountain. The one they used as a ramp for some daredevil act, vandalising that piece.
Bieb il-Belt jibqa’ kif kien, mandra, ghax hekk nafuh. Dik hi l-memorja tal-pajjiz.
Jekk Muscat qed jaqra, jista’ jekk joghgbu jifhem li dal-mazz ukoll f’idejh. Se jidher biss ta’ dak li rrovina progett billi ma komplihx.
Kien hemm certu Dom Mintoff li ghamel l-istess bit-teatru u bil-bieb ta’ qabel dan.
Il-vizzju hemm jibqa.
As soon as I press “submit comment”, I’m giving you a standing ovation.
Don’t mind the gibberish, penned by one who thinks Xewkija should subscribe to Berlin, when all it chooses is to challenge Victoria for attention, going for a blatant copy of the Arsenale’s Santa Maria della Salute, the novelty of portraying it as a challenge to San Marco. Hats off to Xewkija which kept a sense of proportion then.
As for the Carmelite vs Anglican dichotomy, perhaps Giuseppi should read the correspondence Her Majesty warning of possible upheaval when the latter was proposed, even because the plan was to tear down the curtain replacing it with steps leading down to sea level.
Parthenstic to say the least. It was the Brits imitating the place; Tuscany opposite Mdina, clock towers and all, Palazzacci transposed from the Tiber to Floriana and so on.
The Carmelite dome just the final say, so there. Seems Giuseppi can’t fathom constance, brutalistic soviet that he loves.
And if so, he’d hate Novara’s San Gaudenzio, baroque made skyscraper. Just look at the thing, Antonelli the mystic in his 19th century Piedmont, land of symbols and Dan Brown’s obsession.
Move over Washington, European jewry wouldn’t remain silent either, the greatest of all synagogues was theirs, a few kilometers away.
Taste remains ideological with some people, that irremovable faith be monstrous then.
Wonder what he thinks of Gaudi’s curse on the people of Barcelona, working on something which result is beyond one’s lifetime. The exact opposite of today’s ultra efficient costing exercises, fractals made money.
But no, architecture must perforce be of utility, not function.
I’d sack him on account of those sentences alone.
U imbaghad jibqaw iccassati meta immoru Baku, ghax ta’ barra dejjem ahjar. Ta’ wara l-muntanji ta’ veru.
Bieb il-belt taghna lkoll
Dear Daphne, you are very fortune to have so many silly admirers in your block, just carry on like this and the PN will never be in Government again.
[Daphne – Blog.]
Were you thinking of Hal Safi by any chance when you typed that?
No wonder Labour get elected in this country. What an idiot.
Hanqa ta’ hmar qatt ma telghet is-sema. O.K. Siehbi!
Ok sorry, I mean blog
Aw siehbi, don’t worry, fhimnik. Bejn block, blog u Glock ma tantx hemm, hux?
No need to say you’re sorry. From your original comment we realised you’re the sorry type.
The PN will never be in government again not because of Daphne but because of Deborah Schembri.
She has somehow managed to appropriate for herself the entire IQ of half of the population. Consequently all these poor morons will be voting MLP.
Labour are very fortunate to have so many brain-dead zombies to vote for them.
Remember all the denials and indignations when the George Abela and his special treatment of Darleen Zerafa story broke? Well, guess what? Those who foretold that there was a guaranteed place for Ms Zerafa in a progect paid for by public money were right. Of course she was so very, very lucky to be seconded to a job which allowed her to travel to get her qualification while the progect was shaping up. X’kumbinazzjoni!
”Home director Darleen Zerafa said that in its first months of operations Dar Kenn Għal Saħħtek provided free care to 15 people suffering from anorexia and bulimia.” TOM
Respect, what respect?
This is a potentially dangerous situation.
The Islamists in Tripoli are essentially questioning why Malta is recognising the Tobruk government, the one recognised by the EU, when it should remain neutral (which can only mean providing them with a separate embassy).
Neutrality is of course out of the question because by all definitions we form part of a political union and our foreign minister can only reflect EU foreign policy.
The question is, can George Vella handle this hot potato, especially given that the Tobruk government hardly controls Tobruk let alone the rest of the country?
And as an afterthought, wasn’t all this clearly foreseen?
No, not by you lot, who followed the magician’s right hand, obsessed as you were with seeing Gaddafi’s downfall (Tunnel vision? Ticcajta!).
It was foreseen by all those that knew who and what is behind the so called ‘Arab Spring’ and what the real aims are.
But when it comes to global politics, you lot are as out of depth as George Vella is: add in the details and your eyes glaze over like those of a dead rabbit. It’s like explaining higher mathematics to someone who thinks it all ends with long division.
Or better still, Plato’s Cave revisited:
Don’t worry, George Vella won’t need to worry. He’s being replaced by Manuel Mallia. He’ll sort it out, OK siehbi.