Karmenu Vella, Pullicino Orlando and now, Joe Mizzi
December 21, 2014 at 11:49am
Things are looking pretty bad for macho Malta when we make even Spaniards look like spanking great hulks.
Here’s Transport Minister Joe Mizzi with the men from Autobuses de Leon.
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Is Mizzi a Hobbit?
Nah, he’s there to make the poison dwarf Kurt Farrugia look tall.
No scarlet tunic or blue-green hood but definitely a gnome.
Did his mother find him in a Kinder Sorpresa?
Mizzi is on his knees begging the Spaniards to keep to what they promised when he went to see them in Spain.
Was he begging? I thought he was preparing to do them something else.
They should convince the Spaniards to name the buses Autobuses de Castille y Leon. If we called the buses Arriva for short in the past, how are we to quickly identify them now?
We’ll most probably call them ‘Bazbuzi.
Did he step into a pothole?
Add our great leader to the list:http://www.maltatoday.com.mt/ui_frontend/thumbnail/684/0/2014_1118_16225600.jpg
[Daphne – The funny thing is that I always had Louis Grech and Edward Scicluna down as quite tall. Now I realise from this photograph that they are not. Perception is an odd thing.]
Compared to Joseph, they are.
Actually I think the Prime Minister is standing ON the podium not behind it, like his colleagues.
If you look closely he is not standing on the platform, but behind it.
The photo gives a perception that Louis Grech and Joseph Muscat are actually similar in height, but this is only an illusion, thanks to the angle of the camera.
This photo clearly shoes that Louis Grech is a good 25cm taller than Muscat:
[Daphne – For those who can only ‘picture’ human height in feet and inches (as I do), 25cm is almost 10 inches.]
They are. Muscat is standing on the podium (and holding on for dear life), and the other two are not.
Nooooo, Tom Thumb asked Grech & Scicluna to stand behind/under the podium’s step.
Edward Scicluna is quite tall, but he stoops rather badly. He looks very much like the papier-mâché effigy of Moriarty in the first-floor sitting room of 221B Baker Street.
I know quite a few Spaniards and the men are all taller than your average Maltese.
These generalisations don’t work that well with larger countries.
The Maltese might have the same gene pool, but there’s no way you can compare the taller and more Germanic Northern Italians with the shorter and stockier Italians from the south, to name one example most Maltese are familiar with.
This myth that we have the same gene pool as Spaniards or Italians needs to be clarified.
We are derived from a small subset of Southern Italian men (mostly) and some women – actually the gene pool of women is even narrower.
Thus our gene pool is somewhat restricted as compared to Italian and Spanish ones.
Another Lilliputian.
Is it my eyes, or is Mr. Mizzi even smaller than that book on the table?
Ah , that’s where my neighbour’s garden gnome got to.
Was he malnourished when he was a child?
He was breastfed. Mothers beware!
In all fairness, Lawrence Gonzi, Eddie Fenech Adami and Simon Busuttil are not exactly the tallest people in the world either.
Your point being…?
They are getting shorter because of the heavy weight of responsibility they have to shoulder, perhaps.
Tghid il-buses Spanjoli low-floor? Nisperaw.
A real gnome
Surely, he can afford a pair of legs – never mind the balls.
The colossus of roads.
The Minister is shrinking with worry.
Why are you all so mean. He’s obviously kneeling.
yes he is kneeling just to come down to the level of most of this blog’s contributers who from my experience ,are usually found paddling in the shit, prepared for them by our beloved,
(guess Who?)
Ahjar imorru jirrangaw dak it-transport imnejjek pubbliku.
Mort nuza l-bus flok il-karozza biex ma nehilx fit-traffiku u imbaghad ma nehilx fit-traffiku again biex insib parking li sar impossibbli kullimkien.
Il-bus mifqugha bin-nies sa hdejn ix-xufier. Kull brake li ha kwazi imbuttani fuq in-nies ta’ quddiemi li bdew ihokku mal-windscreen. Tal-misthija l-kjass li sibt fuq tal-linja.
Malta: sejrin lura bhal granc. Jien tax-payer u ghandi dritt daqs kull Malti iehor nuza, jekk irrid, it-transport pubbliku. Bhala Malti ghandi dritt inkun ‘safe’ (sejf) fuq tal-linja.
Now I know what went on at the King`s palace when Herod met the three wise men on that particularly eventful night far away in Bethlehem. Herod too shook hands, as Joe did, but remained without myrrh, gold and incense for ever more, much to Joe`s surprise.
Bus Update: Traffiku kullimkien u impossibli tuza l-karozza biex tasal fil-hin bla dewmien zejjed.
Qbadt il-buss u did-darba (again) osservajt lix-xufier wahdu jikkontrolla xarabank mimli: Taljani, Spanjoli, Afrikani, Maltin, Inglizi – nies fuq xarabank ihokku mal-windscreen u issa ukoll jistriehu mal-bieb elettroniku ghax qed jghabbu sa l-icken bicca spazju li tibqa available.
Health & Safety? Standards ta’ l-EU? Drittijiet umani? 2015?
H R A F A !