This is the police sergeant who was involved in that lapdancing club fracas

Published: December 31, 2014 at 3:33pm

This is Police Sergeant Ramon Mifsud (Grech), who was photographed in uniform at the bar of a lapdancing club in the early hours of Boxing Day, by a club patron, leading to a fracas in which the patron was assaulted by police, thrown into the back of a police van and had his smartphone taken from him and returned without the memory card.

PS Ramon Mifsud has been involved in a couple of other episodes before. He appears to have an inordinate number of children – six, I believe – from different women and lives in a Balzan penthouse with a rooftop swimming-pool. I have no idea how much police sergeants take home in regular pay, so it might well be possible to buy or rent that sort of thing while supporting several minor children.

When I read about the incident at the club, I reacted by saying ‘definitely one of Toni’s pulizija Laburisti’ only to be told that I am jumping to conclusions. Not at all, I responded – it’s a rational deduction based on observable fact.

Then I found his Facebook page which is decorated with a photograph of Mintoff’s funeral and words of adulatory praise for the vile gnome he describes as “is-salvatur”, and he’s also ‘liked’ Joseph Muscat’s official page. Oh, and Rita the Desert Princess. Great going for a police sergeant.

ramon mifsud grech 1

ramon mifsud grech 2

ramon mifsud grech 3

ramon mifsud grech 4

ramon mifsud grech 5

35 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    When the philosopher said “cherchez la femme”, did he mean Rita Spiteri?

  2. dudu says:

    Sometimes I feel like I’m living in Albania.

  3. Christopher says:

    Happy new year to you, all your family, and all like-minded people who follow this blog.

    Having said that, I was going to mention the penthouse thingy….plus a gold pacifier? (baby pic)

  4. Kevin says:

    You also had an article about this guy a couple of years back.

  5. Yahweh says:

    At least his woman is considerate – that crucifix will keep warm and comfortable as long as its around her, em, neck.

  6. Jack Beans says:

    Instead of just wishing you a Happy New Year I would like to thank you for giving us the ‘news behind the news’, in true journalistic spirit.

    Let’s hope the media and people in general adopt the attitude of looking into the background of the people behind the news, especially those in the public service, as you do here in your blog.

    Happy New Year to you and your readers (of good will, I might add).

    • Stephen Forster says:

      Good luck with that wish.

      Maltese media journalists could not spell investigative journalism never mind practise it.

      If it was not for this website God only knows what this shambles of a government would get away with.

  7. Dott Abjad says:

    She looks like a ‘seftura’ ‘in calore’ and he looks like a ‘beccamorto’ from some obscure Sicilian village.

  8. eve says:

    Ma kinetx bizzejjed din li ghandu..

  9. Joe Spiteri says:

    Great! Thanks for this post. I recognised him and saw him a couple of times at Flashback in uniform and drinking.

    Once I saw him with a colleague who was smoking and drinking in uniform, always at Flashback Havana.

    I’m really glad he’s in this mess.

  10. the chemist says:

    Maybe he’s hoping to be transfered back to Valetta police station. Anyone assigned to St Julian’s is usually there on account of a transfer either disciplinary or political.

    You can find this guy at Tony’s right across the road at the start of his shift. One of the police force’s finest!

  11. Mila says:

    What is of particular interest are the incidents involving this person and other people’s cameras or camera phones.

    Of course such stories would not be complete unless some wrong details led to the dismissal of charges. Blessed be Maltese sagas and their disappointingly predictable endings!

  12. Maltri says:

    I find crosses and crucifixes diving in and out of cleavages rather appealing.

    – male heterosexual with no religious affiliations

  13. Matthew says:

    John Pisani reports on Illum and Maltatoday that Marilyn Calernigliaro, the 14 year old who was missing has gone to the police station. This is of course good news, but shouldn’t the police have issued a press release rather than calling John Pisani to give him exclusive news?

  14. Gahan says:

    Are police officers authorised to talk “explain” to the press about a crime?

    Is this acceptable ethical behaviour from a public official?

    “He said he had not been drinking but had been talking to the victim of the knife incident, about which a man will be charged in the coming days.”

    It seems that the police are in no hurry to charge the person involved.

  15. Makjavel says:

    If the new police commissioner and new minister mean business, they should clean out such characters from the corps.

  16. Joe Fenech says:

    “PS Ramon Mifsud […] appears to have an inordinate number of children – six, I believe – from different women and lives in a Balzan penthouse with a rooftop swimming-pool. I have no idea how much police sergeants take home in regular pay…”

    I repeat : blame it all on the tax department.

  17. anthony says:

    Commissioner Cassar requires nothing less than what we call a suitcase nuke to clear the decks.

    I doubt he will ever use one.

  18. rob says:

    Was his explanation for being inside the club (because of a crime of some sort) ever checked out?

  19. Gaetano Pace says:

    Experience has shown and proven that policemen who go about philandering and living such a lifestyle are living beyond their means.

    It has also been proven that such officers could either be on the take or have another source of income emanating from activities of dubious nature.

  20. Persil says:

    So even under the previous government nothing was done against this sergeant. Now who is going to bell the cat?

    Action against him should have been taken long ago.

  21. La Redoute says:

    That wasn’t the first time Ramon Mifsud was caught drinking at a bar and beating up a witness who photographed him in the act:

  22. Mila says:

    Oh dear, and I just re-visited your article about he who now has ministerial responsibility for persons such as this and his aversion to exposure in the media (aka avoiding public pressure).

    ”Government spokesman Carmelo Abela says that the media should keep quiet about Leisure Clothing”

  23. SG says:

    Such a trashy “person” !

  24. Mila says:

    This is Malta…. the pits:

    Convicted rapist Ched Evans offered deal by Hibernians

    And of course involved in this is none other than Stephen Vaughan, but Times of Malta felt no background was necessary, again.

  25. Matthew S says:

    Do his religious beliefs keep him from using a condom?

  26. Carmel says:

    What happened to the investigatio? Heard nothing yet from the new police commissioner yet. Is it going to be swept under the carpet?

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