BBC reports that police still hunting for Kouachi brothers; Mourad turned himself in but has an alibi

Published: January 8, 2015 at 10:05am


While NBC News reported last night that two of the men involved in the shooting were in custody and the third had been killed, the BBC reports this morning that French police are still hunting for the Kouachi brothers and have made seven arrests in the process.

It reports that the other suspect, Hamyd Mourad, 18, turned himself in to police in Charleville-Mezieres after hearing his name on the news.

Separate reports say that Mourad had an alibi and that’s why he went to the police: he was at school when the shooting took place.

6 Comments Comment

  1. M. says:

    Another policeman has been shot at with a machine gun in Paris this morning.

  2. bob-a-job says:

    ‘Mourad had an alibi and that’s why he went to the police: he was at school when the shooting took place.’

    It appears the identity card that was found in the car was his.

    If Mourad does have an alibi (not one vouched for by a dozen Muslims preferably) then that indentity card may have been planted.

    Bottom line. Either that card was forgotten in the car indicating that the gunmen were cold blooded idiots or the card was planted and the gunmen headed south while the card address of the holder indicated north.

    Surely the French police would have weighed all options including checking owners of all petrol stations along all routes. Admittedly many petrol stations are automatic but most have CCTV.

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