The people who were killed

Published: January 8, 2015 at 10:18am

These are the people who were murdered in yesterday’s attack on Charlie Hebdo.

1. The magazine’s editor, who is also a cartoonist, Stephane Charbonnier, 47, who had a police protection officer

2. His protection officer, Franck Brinsolaro

3. Cartoonist Jean Cabut, 76

4. Cartoonist Bernard Verlhac, 57

5. Cartoonist George Wolinski, 80

6. Cartoonist Philippe Honore, 73

7. Columnist Bernard Maris, 68

8. Proof-reader Mustapha Ourrad

9. Columnist Isa Cayat

10. Michel Renaud, who didn’t work at the office but just happened to be visiting

11. Caretaker Frederic Boisseau, 42

12. Police officer Ahmed Merabet, 42

11 Comments Comment

  1. Someone says:

    So let’s make something good out of this… time for the PN to show it is really up for change.

    We should all write to our MP as rightly suggested by Daphne, asking them to support the abrogation of the blasphemy law from the Maltese statute.

    It will take us one step closer to Europe (still a way to go!) and would be a fitting and tangible homage to these heroes.

    Do it NOW before Joseph Muscat jumps on the bandwagon (as he did for the EU issue and so many other issues) and claim it for himself.

    • Someone says:

      If your MP is from the PN, you can find his/her e-mail here;

      ACT NOW!

    • charles Magri says:

      why does the blasphemy law worry you so much that you miss your sleeping hours? Why do you want to offend God? To show your ingratitude to the One who loves you? I am not missing any sleep over any blasphemy laws. So you want to remove the blasphemy laws. Let’s remove also the law that says you shall not kill anyone. That’s also God’s law. But it is in our Criminal Code. And why call upon the PN when it is in Opposition and cannot do anything? God forbid if ever the PN will be a liberal party because it will have to change it’s name, its motto (religio et Patria) and will remain in Opposition for zillion years until it will cease to exist forever. But you are just a cry in the wilderness and no one will give a damn for what you say. As if it was the catholics or religion that murdered these journalists. It was just the daily incitement of the mullahs who brainwashed their gullible idiots with the seven golden virgins in heaven if they commit suicide, that brought all this mess about.

      • Maltri says:

        Charles, blasphemy only offends an institution, which technically is only a group of people.

        People tend to get offended when their god is insulted because they project their own self upon the god they believe in.

        Any insult to this god will be felt as a personal insult.

        Getting rid of the blasphemy law will remove the power of such institutions.

      • Liberal says:

        Charles Magri, in a free world people should have the legal right to give their own personal opinion on persons that other people hold as holy, even if the opinion in question is considered “blasphemous” by the religious.

  2. La Redoute says:

    A third weren’t journalists.

    • nadia says:

      Nine were journalists (No 10 was an economist who wrote a weekly column, therefore also a journalist) and 2 were police protecting the journalists. One was an unlucky janitor who worked in the building. So what’s your point?

  3. bob-a-job says:

    But it’s thanks to them that Charlie Hebdo lives.

  4. Db says:

    It’s safe to say that at least two people on the list of those murdered are Muslim, going by their names.

  5. Francis Saliba M.D. says:

    The Malta anti-blasphemy law is hardly ever used except incidentally during cases of angry confrontations and disturbances.

    The law does not inflict any cruel degrading punishment as happens in Sharia law.

    It served a purpose because it was a restraint on the brainless antisocial vulgarity of the ignorant uncultured Maltese “midghi” who thoughtlessly peppered every other sentence with a vulgar anti-religious obscenity without even realising that he was being antisocial, uncivil and foulmouthed.

    Let us not be hypocrites. The real objection to the anti-blasphemy law has not got anything to do with “freedom of speech”.

    It is a manifestation of the atheistic rejection of the possibility that God exists and therefore his name should not be mentioned at all, not even pejoratively in vulgar intemperate speech by the ignorant who do not know how to be emphatic without being vulgar at the same time.

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