Two people who are in a bit of a fix

Published: January 10, 2015 at 9:40pm

Their great leader has announced that he is going to vote in favour. Is there going to be any searing sarcasm on Facebook? Any rants after long lunches?

birds 1

birds 2

42 Comments Comment

  1. curious says:

    It all depends on how the question is going to be worded.

    Will there be a catch in the word ‘illegal’?

  2. Antoine says:

    You forgot to include Moira Delia.

    • Tinu says:

      Moira Delia together with other true animal lovers must stand up and lead the campaign against spring hunting.

      [Daphne – The proper position against bird-hunting has nothing to do with love for animals. It’s about conservation. Otherwise you might as well vote for an end to eating meat and chicken.]

  3. Mila says:

    Would they dare speak against Joseph Muscat?

    This is going to be interesting to watch.

  4. bob-a-job says:

    Joseph Muscat has just made what may turn out to be a painful mistake.

    He turned his back on those two.

  5. Neil says:

    How disgraceful that Muscat has already set the Labour agenda. It’s disgusting. “araw intom, imma jien se nivvota favur il-kacca”


    • CiVi says:

      Joseph Muscat said that the spring hunting referendum is not a political issue. Then the modest thing for him to do was to keep his mouth shut on how he is going to vote. Doing so he has turned it into a political issue, obviously he did it intentionally.

      [Daphne – Of course not. Politicians must always declare their stance. It is an insult to the electorate when a politician says ‘vote for me but I refuse to tell you where I stand on things, and how I vote’. Have some self respect.]

    • ciccio says:

      He is playing the same game he played with the issue of divorce. “Look, Labour has no official position on the subject, but I will vote for divorce in the referendum.”

  6. Mila says:

    I never thought I would see the day when I would be called an extremist. But here we are, that day has arrived. Hunters have called me an extremist.

    Do these two men pictured above consider themselves to be extremists, as they are being called by the lobby backed by the PM they support?

    Funny that hunters are saying that those who want to stop hunting have a personal or financial gain at play. Seems to me that it is the hunters who have the opportunity to trade their catch.

    It is also convenient to state that hunters committed suicide due to closure of season when statistics details regarding suicide are not available to the public and so this cannot be verified. How can hunters say that non-hunters do not commit suicide when they see the carnage and destruction of wildlife?

    Hunters might be shocked to read that non-hunters do not regard the need to hunt a fortune, far from it.

    “These extremists want to extinguish the life of a group of persons from a minority group, simply because they do not enjoy the same fortune themselves, or to maybe reach some personal ambition, that more often than not is a political or financial one. It is opportune to remind, at this stage, that when spring hunting was suspended in the years 2008, 2009 and 2010, some of the FKNK members went to the extremity of taking away their own lives.”

    • Spock says:

      Can’t these idiots understand that some of us simply want to see and hear birds alive and free in our countryside and that our passion for bird protection is, if anything, as strong as their determination to massacre anything that flies?

      Who is to decide whose ‘passion’ is the more justified?

      [Daphne – It’s not about passion or desire. It’s about conservation, pure and simple. And unless this fact is brought out clearly by the anti-spring-hunting lobby, their efforts are doomed to failure.]

    • Neo says:

      The fact that some hunters/trappers take their own lives only shows one thing. That it is no longer a pastime or hobby, but an obsession.

      I have many pastimes, which I love more than hunters love hunting, and which I do not practise anymore due to certain circumstances. I am perfectly at peace with that.

      If one is driven to suicide, it means that one needed help when actually practising the pastime, not when prohibited from doing so.

  7. edgar says:

    Who, Kenneth in a fix? He will be on the next billboard, brandishing a gun.

  8. Peter says:

    And what about the Maltese European Commissioner? When will he give us his opinion on spring hunting?

  9. P Shaw says:

    I do not think you should expect any principles from these two people. At the time it was convenient to wear those T shirts. Now it is more convenient to be part of the ‘moviment’.

    In their world, principles are for sale.

  10. Albert says:

    I find it strange, that the Joseph Muscat should, say he is voting to retain spring hunting.

    26,000 hunters, plus a few extra votes, his included, against the vast majority, is either political suicide or he is trying to influence the vote, which I feel might help the hunters cause, but still might not be enough to swing the vote.

    In any case, with the voting taking place at the same time as the council voting, that might influence his supporters to do the same for the hunters’ cause.

  11. Freedom5 says:

    Paris solidarity demonstration. Cameron next to Helle Thorning Schmidt . Obviously .

  12. rosa says:

    Did anybody actually see Joseph Muscat on television during the Paris Unity March?

  13. Manuel says:

    Joseph Muscat is an opportunist. He has no vision, no principles no moral compass. He is guided by his own inflated ego and seeks to make money and increase his popularity.

    Through his own declaration he has already gave the mind-set to his myopic supporters and geared them up to vote in favour of the hunters since this lobby brings in the votes for their party. And for Muscat, votes mean power and control.

  14. Joseph Borg says:

    Their answer would be very simple and straight forward: “We said illegal spring hunting”.

  15. Augustus says:

    Be assured that the prime minister will vote contrary to what he is saying. To my knowledge he has never said a word and kept it.

    A few examples that comes to mind: no to E.U. and today he wants to be the best in Europe; no to adoption of children by gay couples and then he had parliament legislate for just that; resigning if the power station is not be ready by March 2015, and now he’s saying that he never said that, even when everybody heard him say it on Dissett.

    He lied about transparency, meritocracy, tolerance and so much more.

    • rjc says:

      He’ll be more than happy to get the hunters off his back, at least on the spring season, and blame it on the referendum.

  16. ciccio says:

    David Cameron is marching with Helle Thorning-Schmidt.

    Joseph Muscat must be green with envy…for Thorning-Schmidt.

    • dudu says:

      I’m referring to the 9th photo of the slideshow.

      • ciccio says:

        Then there is also slide 13. That looks like a very tight top-to-bottom hug.

        Evil thought crosses Joseph Muscat’s mind:

        “Je ne suis pas Charlie. What the heck.”

  17. Alfred Testa says:

    So, can we have Dr Busuttil’s thoughts?

    • gn says:

      Allahares. Ragel serju ma jippruvax jimmanipula l-imhuh.

      M’ghandha xejn x’taqsam ma’ freedom of expression. Ghandu dritt izomm opinjoni personali ghalih.

      Jew int xi wiehed li tifrah meta jghidu “Sajmin astjena?”

      Ha jigi jghid lilek meta u kif iddecieda kif jivvota

      U mhux se jaghmel bhal xi bahnan jigi jxejejr il-vot (kif ghamel haddiehor fuq l-EU), u imbaghad immure bis-senter b’xi ghalqa (bhalma ghamel xi bahnan, mar jigri jerda mill-EU).

      Ghejdlu jivvota issa biex nohorgu mill-EU lil Dr Sant…ara jaqbilx.

  18. Erasmus says:

    The PL will benefit if its leader can be seen to be voting for the retention of spring hunting, while prominent supporters vote the opposite way.

    Firstly, that would help not to alienate the environmentalists completely.

    Secondly that would project an image of a party which can be flexible about the position adopted by its supporters in certain situations, and can therefore claim to be a broad church in so far as environmental matters are concerned.

  19. gallettu says:

    I am amazed at the level of stupidity in the hunters lobby with this referendum – all they are risking is to lose the right to hunt in spring, a right which the PN fought for and achieved through a derogation which the PL voted against in the EU referendum. These hunters just love being used like puppets, poor idiots.

  20. canon says:

    I hope there are much more than two in a fix.

  21. Interested Bystander says:

    I don’t get this assumption that because you vote for a particular party you are expected to agree with everything the party does.

    There is no party in Malta with a programme/ideology/representatives that I can get behind 100%, and I am sure I’m not the only one.

    At election time the voters (forget the supporters, they will vote for Satan if he stood for their party) will have to choose, and more often than not the choice is for a lesser of two evils.

    I find this fixation on which party you voted for a bit boring, and the “I hold you responsible for everything the party you voted for does” downright illogical.

  22. Not Sandy:P says:

    Kenotto will vote against spring hunting:

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