Read about it in China Daily: Konrad Mizzi’s plans for treating Maltese infertility with Chinese traditional medicine

Published: January 13, 2015 at 8:06pm

china daily

This business of having to go to the Azerbaijani or Chinese state news portals for information about what the Maltese government is up to is really getting to be too much.

We’d almost forgotten that Konrad Mizzi is the health minister because all the focus is on energy and Chris Fearne, his office junior, has blown himself up like one of those expandable bullfrogs to fill the gap left in his boss’s obvious absence.

But now China Daily – what else – reminds us who the health boss is back home in Malta.

Konrat’s solution to the fertility crisis in Malta?

Didn’t they say they’re going to be offering free fertility treatment at the state hospital? Well, there you go: he’s having some Chinese practitioners of traditional medicine – from Nantong in Jiangsu Province, just in case you know where that is – trained up in Maltese “language, foreign affairs protocol norms and disciplines” until April this year.

Then they’re going to come to Malta for two years to help us make babies with Chinese traditional medicine. China Daily quotes Konrat as expressing his gratitude for the way Jiangsu is helping to improve Malta’s healthcare.

24 Comments Comment

  1. ciccio says:

    What’s the name of this Chinese fertility medicine?

    Is it Wan-Child-Policy?

  2. Me says:

    “TCM theory places high importance on the balance between the inner body and its connection with the outside world. In the inner body, Yin and Yang, Qi and blood must be balanced.”

    Try explaining that in Chinglish to the average person one sees at Mater Dei Hospital.

  3. Rokku says:

    Bear bile and tiger penis prescriptions. That should increase our fertility rate no end.

  4. jay says:

    Let’s hope that this traditional medicine is not made from the genitalia of slaughtered tigers that are on the endangered species list.

  5. Wilson says:

    It seems many have missed out on the little article of the Greek contract.

  6. Spock says:

    Will this ‘traditional’ medicine include bear bile, rhino horn and elephant tusk powder and other substances taken illegally and cruelly from other protected animals like tigers and snakes?

    Will Malta now add to its Leisure Clothing credentials by indirectly supporting this horrendous trade? Mizzi had better check out the substances in this traditional medicine before another scandal explodes.

  7. toni borg says:

    My, Sai Mizzi is working REALLY hard.

  8. Bubu says:

    This is outrageous!

    Chinese traditional medicine has never been shown to be effective in any double-blind trials.

    It is pseudoscience at best, fraud at worst. By this, the government is doing nothing but giving desperate people false hope, when other, more effective therapies already exist.

  9. Lizz says:

    And everybody was Kung-fu fighting.

  10. Giraffa says:

    Coming from a nation which at one stage advocated the killing of the second baby if it’s a girl, this is really gross. Where will the Chinification of Malta lead us next?

  11. ken il malti says:

    Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion, and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids.

  12. H.P. Baxxter says:

    The Boys from Brazil II

  13. Mila says:

    When was the Minister planning on informing the Maltese public that they will be treated by Chinese medical workers using Chinese traditional medicine? Will patients have a choice of which therapies to use?

    Will herbs, potions etc be imported as supplements so that they will not have the same restrictions as medicine and will they be sold by every Tom, Dick and Harry (or their Chinese equivalent)?

  14. Mila says:

    And in Parliament to-day transparency a la Labour called for not a mention of the arrangements with China for the very same complaint.

    Konrad Mizzi has really embraced the Chinese concept of honesty hasn’t he?!

  15. Wormfood says:

    How’s this any different from Angelik Caruana?

  16. Giovanna tal pepe says:

    It’s shameful, these are where vulnerable women succumb.

  17. Freedom5 says:

    I thought the Chinese massage parlours , with happy endings , should suffice.

  18. Makjavel says:

    Is Konrad proposing this Chinese Wan tu ha Xi replacement therapy from personal experience?

  19. Macduff says:

    Healthcare under Labour? It’s 1979 all over again.

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