€125 million Greek contract for gas plant – but no news about the power station itself

Published: January 14, 2015 at 10:31am


Once more, we in the media have to turn to random websites to find out the news about our own country, because the people here who should be communicating certain information are not doing so.

A Greek company called J P Avax – which last year alone made a loss of €72 million – announced on its website yesterday that it has just signed a deal with Electrogas Malta Ltd (the people who are supposed to be building and running Joseph’s new power station) to build the plant where gas for the power station will be supplied and stored.

This will include the jetty required for continuous supply of liquified natural gas from a floating storage unit.

J P Avax’s announcement says that “the tender was contested strongly not only because it concerned an investment by a private entity, but also because it was conducted in an EU member state, thereby attracting international competitors with substantial expertise in the engineering, procurement and construction of energy projects”.

Meanwhile, there is no news about the power station itself, and no evidence of work at the Delimara site. Perhaps there is another hotly contested tender about which we know nothing.

The shareholders in ElectroGas Malta Ltd are GEM Holdings Ltd, Socar Trading SA, SIEMENS Project Ventures GmbH, and Gasol LNG Import Ltd.

11 Comments Comment

  1. Freedom5 says:

    So a Greek company – JP Avax – has been contracted for the engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) of an installation for the importation and storage of LNG and its regasification.

    Where does Siemens figure in this project? Can we see the Memorandum & Articles of Electrogas Malta Ltd, to see how it is constituted exactly?

    Muscat had said in December that the “turbines were being manufactured” – when the contract seems to have been signed yesterday.

  2. Tabatha White says:

    Can’t Mr Juncker put his foot down with the Malta government, given that Joseph Muscat is dealing with a known and documented fraudster and that the right to transparency is a basic tenet within the European Union?

    Can’t Dr Busuttil apply EU pressure and lobby for transparency requirements to be respected especially where we have a situation where it is the State itself dealing with criminals?

  3. Joe Micallef says:

    Let’s try and put things together.

    Socar (part of Electorgas Malta) has many things going on in Greece.

    Another huge investment is currently being investigated by the EU.


  4. etil says:

    It may be a good idea for the Opposition to ask questions in Parliament as to why certain information regarding contracts with Malta by foreign countries is being withheld by Government. It is not a question of the ‘deals’ being secret otherwise the news would not appear on the particular country in question.

  5. C Falzon says:

    So what are we going to do with all that gas?

    I guess it will more than suffice the make the Eternal Flame eternal once again. With some help from Chinese engineers it should be easy to convert it from LPG to natural gas.

  6. majmuma says:

    What s the use of awarding the contract to A if he in turn subcontracts everything to B?

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