Is the Minister for the Economy eating for Europe, or what?

Published: January 14, 2015 at 8:55pm

Chris Cardona.jpg 2

They get into government and immediately start expanding. Is it all the free food and drink, I wonder.

8 Comments Comment

  1. Martin Felice says:

    Jiffangaw minn fuq dar il-poplu, ja qatta hniezer mejtin bil-guh – jaqq.

  2. C.G says:

    I guess he had found the stones which the Justice minister lost.

  3. ciccio says:

    While the economy seems to be experiencing a period of deflation, the Minister in charge of it is showing strong signs of inflation.

  4. Wilson says:

    The lap dancers must have found him bony.

  5. majmuma says:

    Bil-Malti nghidu ghandula “gangala”.

  6. Mk says:

    One word describes this lot: greed.

    And it’s evidently visible in their newfound roundness.

    • ciccio says:

      Dan huwa metodu gdid ta’ kif jaghmlu l-istess politika antika ta’ dejjem: jissikkaw ic-cintorin.

      Flok imexxu bil-loqom, sakemm isiru ghuda u jkollhom jissikkaw ic-cinturin sal-ahhar toqba ta’ gewwa, din id-darba qed jahdmu bil-kontra: jiffangaw kemm jifilhu sakemm zaqqghom ma tkunx tista’ toqghod fl-ahhar toqba ta’ barra tac-cintorin, li allura jissikka ruhu wahdu.

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