Public Accounts Committee hearing – Lawrence Gonzi – Livestream

Published: January 14, 2015 at 9:04pm

27 Comments Comment

  1. ciccio says:

    What is Owen doing with his mobile? Checking his appointments with Janice?

    • A+ says:

      Checking out this website

    • Makjavel says:

      No, checking the comments in this blog.

      Did you notice the confusion when Dr. Zammit Lewis got entangled completely in the script someone else prepared for him?

      He had no idea what he was supposed to read.

      He had no idea of the time line, and Dr. Gonzi tried to clear it up for him.

      Zammit Lewis could not figure it out, IQ below zero.

      They then decided to adjourn the meeting, because they could not pull out of the corner they ended up in.

    • Kollox Kontra says:

      She texted him to tell him she was warming up his food, which is exactly when he said he thinks it is late and the sitting should be adjourned.

  2. Henry James says:

    It’s been a while since I last heard a Maltese politician speaking with such clarity and conviction.

    Can’t believe we gave up Dr Gonzi for that spoilt brat.

    • Madoff says:

      Gonzi remains the best in my opinion. Focused, sharp, geniune and of undoubted integrity.

      • J. Aquilina says:

        Exactly – I have absolutely no interest in whatever the Public Accounts Committee is debating at the moment.

        I listened to it merely to hear Dr Gonzi’s eloquence, clarity of thought and brilliance of speech. What a shame we’ve traded the likes of him for this lot.

  3. George says:

    Listening to Dr Gonzi speak once more makes the realization of the difference to what we have now quite painful.

  4. Puzzled says:

    Daphne, the sitting playing above (53) is from a month ago…was today’s already removed? I can’t find it on live stream. Thanks.

    [Daphne – The link above is the Livestream link to the live sitting. When the sitting is over, the cameras go off.]

  5. ken il malti says:

    When does Dr Gonzi make his appearance on that video?

    I just seen the heavy-set bald guy getting the third degree and no one else.

  6. jack says:

    I am a PN supporter but I have always been beguiled as to why many hold Dr. Gonzi in such high esteem.

    My only conclusion is that when the current quality thresholds are so low, you tend to overshoot the merits and qualities of others. Besides, nostalgia is a tricky mistress.

    Back to the hearing – endured ten minutes. Enough to remind me what a patronising, sanctifying preacher the ex-prime minister is.

    Constantly edifying his audience, including reading a rehearsed written sermon, he couldn’t answer a straight question without digressing into how matters were done in the national interest etc.

    And naturally, no Dr. Gonzi speech is complete without a reference to morality, values and the ever-present ‘irgulija’.

    Small wonder the PN endured its worst electoral defeat in history.

    • FP says:

      So which toe of yours did Gonzi step on?

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        You Nationalists disgust me. Is it not enough that you have our vote? Do you also want undying love?

      • FP says:

        You can keep your undying love.

        But for one to “endure” 10 minutes of a 20 minute written statement (“bl-iskop li nkun ċar kemm jista’ jkun”) follow by a 110 minute Q&A, and then come out with all those assertions which one simply cannot make, stinks of chips on shoulders, sore toes, and dull axes.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      That’s because Lawrence Gonzi thinks in Maltese. So he uses a lot of Maltese words which mean nothing at all. Irgulija? Is that honesty, integrity or the Sicilian form of honour?

      And you’re right in saying that he’s embarrassingly patronising, but he doesn’t seem to see it that way. He always knew best. No wonder he promoted so many of his favourites way beyond their abilities.

      Oh well. Simon Busuttil has none of these irritating qualities. Good. Bring it on.

      • jack says:

        Absolutely spot on. Too much theatre. Simon Busuttil’s apparently subdued style appeals to the thinking man.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Simon Busuttil’s style would improve no end if he were to speak English. His thoughts seem to struggle with the limitations of Maltese. It happens to all bright people who have to speak the language.

        Lawrence Gonzi had no such problems, because he thought in Maltese. His thoughts fit the language perfectly. That’s why the Xarabank crowd loved him.

        It’s time for Simon Busuttil to reconnect the politicians with the thinking minority.

      • FP says:

        Let me see if I got this right.

        You want to elect a government for the thinking English-speaking minority in a country where the majority are unthinking Maltese-speaking Maltese.

        I had told you elsewhere that your math is getting rusty. It’s getting worse by the day.

        You can always encourage the thinking minority to emigrate to Filfla and declare a republic.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        I deny you the right to put words into my mouth.

        I want a government for everyone, not for the minority. But the minority must be included, or the Nationalist party will suffer another crushing defeat at the polls.

        That’s why we have no less than three English-language newspapers, fifty years after independence. Perhaps it hadn’t occurred to you.

        Labour know this, which is why they cosied up to the likes of Hugh Anastasi.

        Now go back to your Stamperija, puff your chest with jingoistic pride, and prepare your leader’s resignation speech.

      • FP says:

        Of course you do, just as you deny me the right to be who I am, what I am, and what I think, for I can only be who and what YOU say I am.

        Fortunately, not the whole of the thinking minority have this superior quality.

        Perhaps it hadn’t occurred to you, but while you deny me the right to put words into your mouth, you want to carry the right to brand people however you fancy (and of course, getting it wrong most of the time).

        But you’re the superior “thinking” one.

        H.P. Baxxter, there can never be a right party for people like you with your wit and superiority. For today you’re exalting Busuttil, and tomorrow you’ll be blowing him to smithereens in less than 140 characters at his first veer off the track you’ve set out for him.

        You’d have much less hearthache were you to set up and head your own party. Heck, I’d probably vote for you myself. But try to include less people like you, for there can only be one H.P. Baxxter in any one setup.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        I never blew anyone to smithereens. I would need a firearm (I’m not a kaccatur) or explosives (I’m not a dilettant tan-nar).

        I never regarded political support in terms of “lealtà” or “fiducja”.

        You seem to think I should have tender feelings or some kind of warmth for the politicians I vote for. I don’t.

        I know they’re in it for themselves. They care nothing for you or me.

        I vote based on the proposed end state. In 2003 I was for EU membership so I had no choice. In 2008 I was for continued EU membership so I had no choice.

        In 2013 I was against a Chinese power station so I had no choice. Now that both parties propose the same end state, there is no reason for me to support either of them.

        I will never form my own party because I have no wish to make a fool of myself by scoring some 0.001% of the vote.

    • GiovDeMartino says:

      With voters like you, we couldn’t expect otherwise!

  7. Wilson says:

    A practically three hour session whereby government ministers were trying to find fault with what Gonzi did. And they have been left with nothing but the fact that this was a management crime but not the then government’s. For those that switched over, or talk/ed about the corruption in Gonzi’s time: the ones stealing are still there, only that they are in a better position to do it. The government is legally stealing from you but you cannot see it; because a voting mistake can be such a hard pill to swallow.

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