After stand-off with the Opposition, government produces China contract

Published: January 14, 2015 at 11:56pm

Konrad Mizzi

After a stand-off in which the Opposition refused to concede to a debate about the Enemalta-China contract until it had been shown the contract and examined it, Home Affairs Minister Carmelo Abela placed the document on the table of the House this evening on behalf of Energy Minister Konrad Mizzi.

Is Mizzi still in China discussing how best to cure infertility using powdered rhino horn?

12 Comments Comment

  1. ciccio says:

    But wouldn’t the agreement with Shanghai Electric be the one we saw and commented on this website before?

  2. ciccio says:

    Has anyone checked whether it is in Chinese?

  3. Cikku says:

    Mela r-rapport fl-aħħar wasal. Imma ngħid jien, jista’ r-rapport ikun rapport li setgħu ħarbxu biex jissodisfaw lil min talbu u huwa mbagħbas, ma jkunx l-istess wieħed oriġinali?

    Ma’ dawn xejn ma nieħu bi kbir.

  4. Mila says:

    So that is why Energy and Health portfolios were lumped together! Mizzi will henceforth be called the Minister of ‘Chi’, and I am not referring to the Greek letter here.

  5. canon says:

    The Nationalist Party should exert pressure on the government and Autobuses de Leon to revise the tariff for pensioners, students and low income workers. These bands of the population had a raw deal with Autobuses de Leon.

    • Pippa says:

      I agree with you, Canon. However most Labour voters probably do not.

      I don’t hear any grumbling about the new tariffs. It’s not Dr. Gatt who is in charge so everything is fine because Dr. Gatt was arrogant while the present incumbent is not. Go figure.

      L-aqwa li l-Labour fil-gvern.

    • speedbird says:

      Autobuses de Leon, la ghazlu lilhom, should introduce a card which is not time limited. One should have the opportunity to buy a card, which could be topped up online, just with an amount of money and not for a period of time. Those, like me, that do not use the service regularly would really appreciate this card.

  6. Cikku says:

    Aktar ‘l fuq ktibt jekk dan ir-rapport setgħax kien rapport ieħor barra dak oriġinali. Mid-dehra hekk hu!

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