Magistrate in court: “You know the police work differently in Malta and in Gozo”

Published: January 15, 2015 at 9:41am

This is from today’s print edition of Times of Malta. Mario Gatt is the man who rammed that German tourist near the Preluna Hotel and killed him.

mario gatt

21 Comments Comment

  1. Herbie says:

    OH how very very true

  2. Tabatha White says:

    “Robert Abela, who happened to be in the courtroom…”

    Of course.

    More like, staged, rehearsed and to plant the provocation.

  3. curious says:

    It seems we have a lot of mini republics in one small one.

    Police work differently in Gozo and what you say in Mellieha is understood differently than in other villages and towns. In the past we had the Republic of Zejtun.

  4. canon says:

    Tikber u titghallem.

  5. Observer says:

    Some Maltese say – and very rightly so, in my experience – that ‘l-Ghawdin ghandhom alla ghalihom!’.

    I do not wonder at all at the Magistrate’s remarks.

  6. the chemist says:

    Anyone having his criminal proceedings heard before Magistrate Marseanne Farrugia knows he’s in for a grilling.

    She sure doesn’t mince words and is known for handing out some pretty tough judgements.

    As for Robert Abela’s knowledge of certain bail conditions re. boarding any kind of boat seems incredulous.

  7. giraffa says:

    Ridiculous decision by the magistrate, one of many unfortunately coming from the Bench recently.

    Surely the condition of not leaving the island is meant as not leaving the country.

    What if the accused was from Gozo? Good thing that there’s a bridge to Manoel Island, otherwise he wouldn’t be able to go to the circus.

  8. A. Charles says:

    Magistrate’s remark is nothing less than obscene.

  9. Perception need not be the same as reality, but this comment from a magistrate, perhaps unwittingly, imp[lies a lot.

  10. Charlie Theuma says:

    Nohting to do with the article, but did anyone notice that the Fat Controller is back on Facebook?

  11. bob-a-job says:

    When two Gozitan brothers were accused of rape some years back, part of the judgement against them read as follows:-

    iv. li jikkonsenja l-passaport u kull “travel document” iehor li jista’ jinsab fil-pussess tieghu, inkluza l-karta ta’ l-identita`, lill-Ispettur tal-Pulizija Graziella Muscat, u li ma jhallix jew jipprova jhalli dawn il-Gzejjer; kif ukoll li ma jitlax jew jipprova jitla’ fuq ebda dghajsa, lanca, yacht, vapur jew mezz iehor ta’ trasport bil-bahar, ikun ta’ liema xorta jkun;

    v. li f’ebda hin u taht ebda cirkustanza ma ghandu jkun f’distanza ta’ anqas minn mitejn metru mix-xatt tal-bahar f’xi lokalità tal-Gzejjer ta’ Malta (inkluza ghalhekk Ghawdex);

    According to the sentence the brothers were not allowed on any form of boat while making clear that this included both Malta and Gozo.

    How were the brothers to cross between the islands if they were forbidden to approach any closer to 200 metres to the shore line?

    Apart from this, the brothers’ construction vehicles were constantly working close to the shore in Marsalforn.

    Perhaps it was not the brothers who were driving them but it makes one wonder if sentences are given the seriousness they deserve.

  12. ciccio says:

    While the promoters of the referendum ask the politicians to avoid any interference with the referendum, James Debono asks Simon Busuttil to take a stand.

    I don’t accept arguments like this from the likes of James Debono anymore. Where does James Debono himself sit in the political spectrum: on the left, the right, or on the fence?

    These socialists hidden as neutral opinionists are not there when it comes to being critical to Labour’s abuse. If Debono is a true liberal, why isn’t he using his piece to criticise Muscat’s position?

    Debono says:

    “Just imagine how that segment of the liberal Nationalist vote would react to Busuttil pronouncing himself in favour of spring hunting – or in favour of the derogation.”

    Can Debono tell us how the liberal segment in the Labour party has reacted to Muscat pronouncing himself in favour of sprint hunting? It is their silence he should be talking about, not about the PN’s silence.

    In my opinion, the PN would be ill advised to take a stand against Spring hunting. It would be alienating a section of the Maltese population – entire families in some cases – and some districts will be lost for ever. This is not what politics is about. Politics is about co-existence of different positions through compromise.

    So the best position the PN could take would be the following:

    1. It will respect the wish of the promoters of the referendum, and will not interfere with the campaign.

    2. For this reason, it will not take a stand in favour or against.

    3. It reminds that it was the PN government which obtained a Spring derogation, and it was the PN government which defended the court case against Spring hunting.

    4. The party should remain in favour of its earlier policy of having a controlled Spring season for turtle dove and quail.

    5. It should support debate of the issue, including through its media, and organise public debates as necessary.

    6. Encourage people to vote and voice their opinion.

    7. Now that the PM has declared his voting intention in the referendum, get him to declare how he would vote in Parliament if the public votes against Spring hunting, and remind him that he does not sit on the fence when faced with questions like this. Hunters should have an answer to this question before the referendum – they cannot have the PM voting against Spring hunting in Parliament if he votes in favour of Spring hunting in the referendum.

  13. Joe Fenech says:

    So after the Kingdom of Southern Malta and King Silvio, now we have the Gozo Kingdom. What next?

  14. Mila says:

    If one sees what the police did in the shooting of the minister’s car case, you would certainly say that ”the police work differently in Malta and Gozo” than the rest of the democratic world.

    But I guess what the Magistrate meant to say was that the police work differently in Malta THAN in Gozo. This might have been a translation error by the journalist.

    Where else would different people other than the crime investigators handle the shot car, a bottle allegedly used as a weapon, the cartridges, pieces from a broken mirror, items allegedly in the booth of a car involved and used by the alleged shooter, alleged shooter’s mobile phone and car used by the shooter.

    To top this list the crime investigators allegedly did not collect results for alcohol or substances of abuse from the alleged shooter, alleged shooter’s residue tests from his clothes and himself.

    Perhaps they were going for some sort of record.

  15. Charlie says:

    That’s why the slimmer of the year sent his ex there there, halli thossha f’posta.

    Kif kienet tghidli l-mummy, viva l-Labour.

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