After Birmingham, Fox News experts find no-go zones in “Paris, France”

Published: January 15, 2015 at 9:06pm

And the French are not amused. Or well, they are. Very amused.

23 Comments Comment

  1. ken il malti says:

    Damn Muslims !

  2. join the dots says:

    Verification 2:

    Decree No. 96-1156 of 26 December 1996 establishes the list of 750 sensitive urban zones (ZUS). Decree No. 2000- 796 of 24 August 2000 adds the neighborhood “New Mons» Mons-en-Baroeul to the list of Zus and Decree No. 2001-707 of 31 July 2001 amends the scope of Zus Grigny (91).

    Decrees No. 96-1157 and No. 96-1158 of 26 December 1996 fixing the list of 416 Urban Renewal Zones (ZRU) among 751 sensitive urban areas (396 in France, 20 in the overseas departments )

  3. Candy says:

    Fox News is Norman Lowell with a pretty face and an American accent.

  4. A. Charles says:

    Nothing surprises me about American fickleness; tourists from the U.S. did not travel to Europe during the Gulf War because of the its proximity (sic) to the war zone.

    • Gamblu says:

      And an American tourist went to Rome determined to take an afternoon’s stroll all along the Mediterranean perimeter.

  5. Edward says:

    They interviewed Nigel Farage? It just goes to show what sort of “news” channel it is.

  6. tinnat says:

    What amazes me about both FOX and CNN is their sensationalism. To hell with facts and objectivity – let’s just get those numbers up.

    Specifically on the issue of “all Muslims are bad”, does anyone know who owns Fox news? Is it a Jewish family?

    • Katrin says:

      That is why Fox News is nicknamed ‘Fox Jews’.

      • bob-a-job says:

        ‘Fox Jews’?

        Perhaps it was some Maltese joker who drummed that one out in which case it means exactly the opposit of what you had in mind.

    • join the dots says:

      You might be suprised here.

      Prince Alwaleed bin Talal bin Abdulaziz Alsaud of Saudi Arabia is part owner.

      Work that one out.

    • bob-a-job says:

      Hell, no.

      The second-largest holder of voting stock in Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp. the parent company of Fox News, is Saudi Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal, a nephew of the Saudi king and Muscat’s preferred gong recipient delivered by the President of Malta in 2014.

      That connection has not been spelled out by Fox to viewers and Fox’s lack of disclosure about the corporate connection to Waleed, is sparking scorn from some media critics and from liberals.

  7. Vilvorde says:

    Fox is exaggerating, but there may be some elements of truth.

    In both Paris and Brussels there are some areas which are inhabited by relatively high concentrations of a particular ethnic group and are policed less frequently such as, in Brussels, Gare du Midi and Gare du Nord, both of which show elevated crime rates in relation to the rest of the city.

    As an anecdote for Gare du Midi if one has his/her bicycle stolen in Brussels they are told to go and retrieve it at the Gare du Midi market on Sundays. The arms used in the Paris massacre last week were bought in Brussels at Gare du Midi:

  8. Nighthawk says:

    I told you Sean Hannity was the one to watch. He makes Manwel Cuschieri look wise, measured and balanced.

  9. Anthony V Falzon says:

    Fox News has never let the facts get in the way of a good story.

    Some years ago they were sued by some public figure they had slandered and their defence was to say that the Fox News was primarily entertainment and not legitimate news coverage.

  10. Joe Fenech says:

    French TV, is not amused, but TV is not reality. This has nothing to do with religion, but people saying that there are no hot-zones in France (I wouldn’t say “no-go” areas) is simply fantasy.

  11. Supergogs says:

    Fox News is part of Rupert Murdoch’s global media empire. Murdoch isn’t Jewish.

  12. Jozef says:

    ‘We are in a global war’. ‘Shar’ia is far superior to democracy’. ‘The BBC is a pack of lies’

    And the one from Mind Your Language insists on ‘community harmony’.

    It is now against the law in the UK, Sweden, Norway, Holland and Belgium to determine the principles of social cohesion in the name of ‘community cohesion’.

    Turkey’s Erdogan intends to force Germany to support a resolution banning any criticism of Islam, calling Islamophobia a crime against humanity and branding anyone who will a fascist.

    Hilarious, were it not eerily familiar.

    Political Correctness is nothing but cultural marxism at its best. I compagni che sbagliano was the Italian left’s reluctance to subscribe to marxism’s key idea; constant struggle.

    Gramsci’s notes vindicated then and now.

    What will not be discussed, the real taboo, is how the radical left and political islam coincide. Both refuse the west and its fundamental liberties. Bader Meinhof, Brigate Rosse were both inspired by a totalitarian ideology, so is this Islam.

    ‘This’ being what we do not want it to be. Who then, gets to call the shots?

    Notice how Islam radicalizes AND hijacks politics in those places where the mechanics of iconography were scorned upon. Where the distinction between beauty and the limits of its interpretation by humans never really gained hold or actually banished in the name of critical thought relying on written language alone.

    Does anyone know the extent of the northern renaissance? Of course not.

    As for the token young woman wearing the scarf, she subscribes to the idea that if she doesn’t, the men who would potentially rape her were provoked into doing so. That’s very polite and balanced. It’s the distortion of balancing views, implying their equivalence that Islam knows and employs.

    I prefer these sources.

    Both Wafi Sultan and Ayaan Hirsi refugees in the States.

    Sultan fled Syria, Hirsi fled Holland.

    So how does that happen in Holland if Islam is the religion of a restricted minority? We’re fed statisdtics telling us people have the wrong perception of how many muslims live in their countries, indeed the difference notable to a decimal degree.

    I suppose the fact interlocution with Islam or else may have contributed. Condemned for Islamophobia for failing to subscribe to it. Fascist the moment one dissents from imposed, rushed, multiculturalism.

    A fallacy termed multiculturalism which holds one minority to lower standards.

    I’m not offended by the results of the experiment, just the idea that society is some laboratory.

    The impression is that my gut feeling is pretty close to that of gays, jews, atheists, the anarchists at Charlie Hebdo and the French jesuits who republished Hebdo’s cartoon taking on the Trinity, as an affirmation of the power of conscience over being permanently offended. That’s practically all minorities.

    Minority politics meet gender issues, and it’s nothing to do with Islam.

  13. Benny Hill says:

    It has been common knowledge since at least the early 2000s that Fox News is a disinformation channel for the ignorant masses of the American population. Everyone with a semblance of an education has known this for ages.

    It has been a rubbish channel, feeding crap into the minds of those who don’t know any better, almost since the day it started broadcasting in the mid-90s.

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