I’m worried that 11 April is going to be a victory for ignorance
January 23, 2015 at 2:57pm
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I never thought this would happen in my lifetime: Bishop Je Suis Charlie Scicluna becoming the role model of the liberals.
Tweet of the day from Mr.STIFIN MIKALLEF
Yepp, the cartoonists at Charlie Hebdo died also so that Stephen Micallef can offend the bishop.
Next on Charlie Hebdo: cartoon of the Bishop in the nest with a ‘bird.’
No they did not. Stating that someone is a paedophile is not free speech. Saying someone is an idiot, that a religious figure is vile – yes, that is free speech.
Neither status, nor comments are reflective of what the Bishop said.
Certain Facebook pages, are an insight into Maltese ignorance. How this Facebook page one some award on one occasion, beating the more insightful Kelma Kelma page, is even more sad (to say the least).
Facebook does not host any awards. Those people CLAIM to be Facebook awards BUT they are NOT connected to Facebook.
So you can imagine what “awards” these are.
Every day I shudder to think that the number of ignoramuses is on the increase. They cannot counteract an argument in a civilised manner and are quite intolerant of other people’s views.
You know it is exactly this crass ignorance that gave us the government we “enjoy” today.
I’ll still go to throw in my vote but I’m under no illusion that it’ll have any effect on the end result.
I share your exact thoughts. No wonder we have this government, because this is what we deserve. By “we” I mean the majority of the Maltese citizens.
Very well educated this Stephen Micallef is. I thought that it is against Maltese law to speak in that tone of voice against the Catholic Church.
[Daphne – Let’s hope you weren’t one of those protesting that you are Charlie Hebdo.]
Surely calling a priest kurnut is slanderous.
It is probably an ‘ATTAKK FAHXI U MOQZIEZ’ according to many people.
This Facebook page, Malta Dizastru Totali, is the most liked Maltese page on Facebook. Reading the comments on it will demonstrate to you the type of ignorance that is found among us, and the admin is probably ignorant too. Oh, and lately, the page started to post grandma-esque pictures translated into Maltese, because the admin thinks that that makes it original.
If a screenshot is sent to the police, Stephen Micallef who wrote that comment will have a lot to answer for legally.
[Daphne – Mais nous sommes Charlie Hebdo.]
Well, Moses had a facies cornuta.
Actually the most popular Maltese Facebook Page is Loving Jesus Divine Mercy with 250,000 likes surpassing Malta Dizastru Totali which has just a 57,000 likes.
Jozef, calling a priest a “kurnut” is ridiculous, not slanderous. Since a Catholic priest, let alone a Bishop cannot marry or have a girlfiend he can call “his own”, he can never be a “kurnut”.
Tghid dan ghandu xi flokk jiddikjara li Hu Charlie?
My god, what a vulgar thing to even think, let alone post publicly.
I’m afraid it’s a lost cause.
My very thoughts – that’s all the No vote needed, the support of someone who is seen as representing the Catholic Church.
At least Astrid Vella and Mr Cacopardo can say they got a picture in which they’re both smiling (outside the Law Courts) which must be a very rare specimen, a collector’s item even, though soon to be exterminated all together.
I think that the NO vote needs the support of all right-thinking men and women, be they priests, professionals, labourers, and all those who want to conserve the natural environment.
Why should a bishop go against the NO vote? After all this particular referendum is not, and should not be, of a political, religious, ethnic or any other nature except environmental.
The environment is the heritage of ALL of us now and in the future.
Daphne, I think most sensible people are worried as much as you are, but we have 3 months to either work our asses off for a good cause and abolish spring hunting once and for all or moan and discourage people that ignorance is going to win. I am all out for the former.
[Daphne – It’s two months, actually, not three.]
I’m enjoying this actually. The contradictions a sore thumb. The sequence below.
This referendum is the direct consequence of Muscat’s double dealing.
A certain Lawrence Gonzi had stated his intention to hold the referendum before the election; Muscat had a joint statement with the FKNK, the rest is history.
The No victory will also mean the hunters’ blackmail, scaremongering and monopoly to abuse is primarily civil society’s response to the power vacuum inflicted on the country.
I’m afraid it is a political issue.
Gieli nigi f’dubju hux sew li kulhadd ghandu vot.
Jien kuljum.
Jien jigini dubju ghandux ikolli vot jien stess. Ghax inhossni mahmug naghmel parti minn din is-sistema.
May I suggest that after the coming referendum we should hold another one which would make it obligatory for persons like this to be medically treated thus making sure that they do not breed. After all they are even doing it to rats.
If a victory for the ‘yes’ faction, it will be a victory not for mere, or common, ignorance, but for INVINCIBLE ignorance as possessed by the Stephen Micallefs of this land.
Couldn’t believe my eyes when read it. What did this Stephen expect – that all and sundry will have to agree with their campaign? Really goes to show the intolerance these people have for others’ opinions.
And if the referendum goes in the hunters’ favour, I really believe that it’s going to end up ‘you fly, you die’
This Facebook page, Malta Dizastru Totali, is the most liked Maltese page on Facebook.
Reading the comments on it will demonstrate to you the type of ignorance that is found among us, and the admin is probably ignorant too.
Oh, and lately, the page started to post grandma-esque pictures translated into Maltese, because the admin thinks that that makes it original.
Is there a campaign going on for a NO vote? It appears that after the “family photo” they took to promote themselves at the launch, everyone went into hibernation.
Stephen Micallef, I doubt if you have been in any church before, except perhaps to be baptized, make your “precett” and get married (if you did marry). Judging by your attitude and language I don’t believe you would be much missed if, as you said, you never enter a church again.
Mintoff said very much the same thing but ironically his admirers insisted on carrying him into not one but two churches when he could no longer object. Let’s hope you will not suffer the same fate.