The Minister of Justice: striving to be kool

Published: January 25, 2015 at 12:04pm

Here he is, at one of the Baroque Festival performances with Chairman Kenneth, dressed fetchingly in a red jumper and striped woolly scarf, looking as though Janice got his diary confused and had him down for a football match instead or another walk along the Sliema front biex jarawhom in-nies bhala koppja.

(N.B. This is not a criticism of the Baroque Festival. I greatly enjoyed the one performance I went to.)

owen bonnici baroque 1

owen bonnici baroque 2

9 Comments Comment

  1. Chris says:

    Small correction: KZT is not the chairman of the Manoel theatre but the vice-chairman . Michael Grech continues as chairman following his appointment by the previous government) KZT is the directly PM-appointed Artistic Director of the Manoel Theatre as well as the Artistic Director of the Baroque Festival.

  2. giraffa says:

    Never mind the poorly-fitting jeans. Vera ta’ wara ‘l-muntanji.

  3. Observer says:

    Kenneth’s butterfly seems to have wafted off to nowhere. Is he, too, trying to look cool?

  4. Xejn Sew says:

    First we had Labour activists all wearing striped jumpers (remember Tander) and now it’s ministers in striped scarves.

  5. Madoff says:

    Wiehed cool u l-iehor laghqi.

  6. P Bonnici says:

    What about the Maltese and the wearing of scarves indoors. It looks so naff.

  7. ciccio says:

    Ministru tal-Cooltura. Nahseb ir-red jumper selfitulu Janice minghajr imghax.

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