H. P. Baxxter’s latest YouTube video

Published: January 30, 2015 at 9:58pm

23 Comments Comment

  1. Wilson says:


  2. canon says:

    In-Nuxellina kif ma kinitx maghhom.

  3. Tabatha White says:

    Analysis of simulation through the eyes of the post-box.

  4. anthony says:

    Grazzi Bakster.

  5. ciccio says:

    I found this video very sensual. I think it’s the voice of Joseph Muscat…

  6. Mila says:

    Such a video would be welcome by the LP one would guess. Their leader accompanied by hot images, what else could one ask for?

    Better that than allowing people to read something like this:
    ‘Propaganda Trumps Education In Xi’s China’


  7. Arnold Layne says:

    U tajnijja, nghid. Prosit Baxx.

  8. J.mifsud says:

    Maltese statistics.

  9. curious says:

    Victoria has only one secret but Muscat has many, especially pre-election ones.

  10. Charlie H says:

    Louis Grech has finally made an appearance to state that “Pity one of the best budgets ever did not get its much-deserved attention”.

    Is he for real?


    [Daphne – Blame it on Manuel Mallia and Paul Sheehan, secret agents of the Nationalist Party.]

  11. canon says:

    On a different note, the European Commission has reduced charges for mobile phone users to make roaming cheaper.

    Joseph Muscat’s government has increased tax on mobile phones to make them more expensive.

    Who is paying for Muscat’s follies?

  12. curious says:

    As if we needed confirmation.

    “The minister confirmed that the move was agreed with the stall owners before the general election, with talks continuing after. He said the move was made necessary by the loss of income suffered by the stall owners in their current locations, and the fact that works had to be carried out on the Palace.”


  13. Tal-Malja says:

    That’s what I call good taste and design.

    • Observer says:

      You are certainly right.

      It’s a pity that such an encouraging, elevating, patriotic and heroic pep-talk (by I won’t say who) should be spoiled by things utterly common-place as spritely lassies prancing about to their heart’s delight.

  14. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Now tell me: isn’t this exactly what we’re being sold?

  15. Baxxter Fan says:

    Wankers’ delight. A wanker’s voice to distract a wanking viewer.

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