Where’s the chairman of Valletta Rehab?
January 31, 2015 at 12:52pm
These mini-interviews are in Times of Malta’s print edition today. Why is Kenneth Zammit Tabona not interviewed too? He’s chairman of the Valletta Rehabilitation Committee, the key organisation on these matters.
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Stuck between his radio interview and Muscat’s stalls.
Someone should be asking in Parliament how much this waste of taxpayers’ money cost, who was responsible and if any head will be rolling any time soon.
And who is going to pay for the new “redesigned” stalls?
Heads don’t roll mate – not now, not ever. People get moved around and may lie low/moved backstage for a while but accountability is not part of local government culture.
‘Heads don’t roll mate – not now’.
People get moved around and may even be promoted to higher and better paying positions…
Ara vera ir-‘rowd mapp’ gone with the wind.
It’s actually a tragicomedy called ‘Joseph and the technicolour nightmare coat’, in installments, the latest one being directed by William Lewis, sponsored, as with all installments, by the tax payer.
The tragicomedy is given high ratings by the taghna lkollers who wouldn’t know good taste if it hit them in the face.
The main character, being the prima donna that he is, keeps everyone on a tight leash and therefore the cast cower, shy away and have been rendered impotent on stage.
Let us give the clowns a round of applause!
How sick is it that they couldn’t even finish the project first, lighting and all, before inflicting the rows and rows of plastic tents?
It does seem that they somehow had to avoid what was about to become a self evident truth.
I wouldn’t put it past them that maybe the delays are simply a fabrication. Much as the row of shacks won’t ever make way and the terminus clawed its way back.
In the end, history will repeat itself. That pseudo guardians of this place spout their disdain.
Last week everyone could see workmen doing up the wide pavement near the milk kiosk, just outside the Valletta entrance.
Am I missing something or is there some plane for those ugly kiosks to remain there in aeternum? Only the pavement was done and the shambles called kiosks were not touched.
If one wants a preview of what the new Monti stalls will degenerate into, just go and have a look at the once beautiful orange kiosks at the bus terminus. There are fridges, umbrellas, stacks of mineral water and
There are fridges, umbrellas, stacks of mineral water and extended shelving protruding from the said kiosks. A real suq.
Do you still believe those kiosks will ever move?
And he’ll have a power station up and running in a year’s time.
More like a dump.
Jozef, re the tools to OccupyPN:
Your momentum. This sense of passion. No distance from subject or from medium of communication – every and any medium needs to be used. No waiting for time to pass before expressing “oneself.”
The dignity, not in how it’s said but what is said. How directly.
In touch.
Correctly worded two months later. In a column etc.
A bit too late.
Of course it’s too ruddy late. OccupyPN could have worked in in 2013. Not now. Now the only way is for all those who would have liked to see #occupyPN create their own political force. I’m taking applications. You’re all welcome. I don’t even care about political views.
curious, you better get “curious” about who OWNS those stalls..
Given the refined sense of aesthetics Labour have come up with in the design of the monti stalls, we can now better understand Labour’s incessant onslaught of Piano’s designs over the past years.
I’m ever so pleased with Lawrence Gonzi’s decision to upgrade Valletta. If anything, we get less of a chance to get lumped with Labour’s abysmal standards.
Labour mediocrity – guaranteed to surprise
No surprises from Labour. I hope that Renzo Piano and Lawrence Gonzi will avoid the opening ceremony.
L-aqwa l-voti! Votes come first and foremost.
I have seen the products sold on these markets, and I wonder who would buy such cheap-looking clothing. Although I have seen most people in Malta wearing such poor quality clothes.
The socks and underwear I have seen being sold, I would not even let my dog sleep on them.
I am sorry but that is not the point we are discussing here. Let there be such a market but not located near the new parliament.
There are those who really cannot afford to pay high prices. Let them find products to match their income.
I know that sometimes buying cheap clothes from the market is shortsighted as they don’t last as much as the good brands – but who are we to judge other people’s income and how they spend it.
I agree with you, curious.
I’m shocked. Jason Micallef is coherent and sensible.
Any bets the Spouse of the Prime Minister will cut the ribbons and uncover the marble ‘plekk’ declaring the flea market open on April 1st?
The blame should fall on Joe Mizzi, that gahan minister. After all he is responsible for infrastructure, including the new parliament house.
Don’t we remember all types and forms of lingeree hanging along the balconies at the entrance of Valletta?
Please watch this:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9-4V3HR696k&src_vid=Iipn6yM43sM&feature=iv&annotation_id=annotation_4040693845