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‘Diz’ for this is reminiscent of the series Mind Your Language.
I pity the English language schools which are trying so hard to market Malta for TEFL.
When does he want go down to make it more hole-istic?
”go down on the objectives…”
Is ‘objectives’ slang for something I don’t know about?
Reminds me of Mai Dire Gol’s “un uomo un perchè”.
Is he crying?
Tears of joy, Baxxter. He’s just received his January pay packet.
No, he is after making US cry.
No, he had just finished addressing the Onion lobby.
“…but, er, here, jigifieri on this issue…” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3kBKoJneis&feature=youtu.be&t=5m10s
L-aqwa li semma l-kelma “holistic” . Kollox holistic tal-Labour.
Holistically Taghna Lkoll
Meta tal-Lejber jgħidulek ‘holistic’, għid mela ġejja bit-tul għax ma jafux minn fejn se jaqbdu jibdew.
Mele hi, il-bazz werts impurtantej !
Is he crying in the picture?
jitkellem mill-qalb
He speaks in shorthand, how else?
Here’s another example.
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
‘Go down on the objectives’.
Sounds like a porn star getting his sentence structure wrong.
What a guy.
He sounds like he ODed on sleeping pills the night before.
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‘Diz’ for this is reminiscent of the series Mind Your Language.
I pity the English language schools which are trying so hard to market Malta for TEFL.
When does he want go down to make it more hole-istic?
”go down on the objectives…”
Is ‘objectives’ slang for something I don’t know about?
Reminds me of Mai Dire Gol’s “un uomo un perchè”.
Is he crying?
Tears of joy, Baxxter. He’s just received his January pay packet.
No, he is after making US cry.
No, he had just finished addressing the Onion lobby.
“…but, er, here, jigifieri on this issue…”
L-aqwa li semma l-kelma “holistic” . Kollox holistic tal-Labour.
Holistically Taghna Lkoll
Meta tal-Lejber jgħidulek ‘holistic’, għid mela ġejja bit-tul għax ma jafux minn fejn se jaqbdu jibdew.
Mele hi, il-bazz werts impurtantej !
Is he crying in the picture?
jitkellem mill-qalb
He speaks in shorthand, how else?
Here’s another example.
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
‘Go down on the objectives’.
Sounds like a porn star getting his sentence structure wrong.
What a guy.
He sounds like he ODed on sleeping pills the night before.