
Published: February 6, 2015 at 7:31pm

In Times of Malta’s print edition today:

labour party

19 Comments Comment

  1. Mr Meritocracy says:

    Clearly, they do not proofread their own work.


  2. Mark Vella says:


  3. Manuel says:

    The Labour subconscious of some in Times of Malta’s newsroom has just been revealed.

  4. david says:

    Don’t they even proof read the front page?

  5. xifajk says:

    While I’m sure it’s a genuine mistake, I believe it does reveal a bit of their forma mentis..

  6. Rumplestiltskin says:

    Have they heard of proofreaders?

  7. el mundo says:

    Dawn kollha fis-sakra jaqaw?

  8. Tim Ripard says:

    Revolting. I’m proud to say I’ve given up Times of Malta for good.

  9. michael seychell says:

    Ooops Ooops Ooops ad infinitum.

    One hopes to see a correction of this blatant mistake.

  10. Jack Bean says:

    A classic example of a Freudian slip, perhaps.

  11. Observer says:

    Justice delayed, justice denied.

    Justyne and Edward satisfied.

    It is taxpayers’ money after all, isn’t it? Majtezwel!

  12. Freedom5 says:

    With a joke of a newspaper it’s become .

  13. Francis Saliba M.D. says:

    Not a Freudian slip of the type, let us hope!

  14. catharsis says:

    Says a lot about the mindset.

  15. Freedom5 says:

    On this lazy Saturday morning I attempted to read Raphael Vassallo’s article in Malta Today. Am I the only one to find his articles to be long winded trash?

    I can’t believe the son of the eminent English language professor can’t come up with something intelligent.

  16. Angus Black says:

    Looks like an intentional error to me.

    The sub-heading is in larger and bolder font. Those who cannot read a few lines will have headlines and sub-headings imprinted on their brains, if they have any.

  17. gn says:

    Bir-ragun hux. Dahluha f’mohh kulhadd li kienu l-underdogs.

  18. Someone says:

    The headline is “Electoral Commission to hold urgent meeting after court ruling”, but reading through the story, you find that the “urgent” meeting will be held on Thursday.

    In the organization where I work, if a senior manager calls an urgent meeting, it means that you drop whatever you are doing, even if you are at home/on leave etc. and report to the head office without delay.

    If a meeting can wait until the following morning, or in this case, 6 days, it is just a meeting.

    The headline is just there to give the impression that the Electoral Commission is serious about this while in fact it is evident that they have directions from other sources to drag this as much as they can.

    Is the prime minister worried that a 7-seat majority is not sufficient to see him through half a legislature? I’m not seeing 4 Frankies or Jeffries lurking on his back benches as the only credible voice of reasoned (unlike the two clowns mentioned before) dissent is Marlene Farrugia.

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