They’re keeping Willie Mangion on the payroll

Published: February 7, 2015 at 3:39pm
Willie Mangion with Commissioner Guy: kings of the Iced Bun

Willie Mangion with Commissioner Guy: kings of the Iced Bun

Last week, Willie Mangion said to a newspaper which asked that he was close to finding a garage and that several options were being studied.

Now we are told about this massive carnival-float-building depot, financed by public money to the tune of six million euros, which will also include rehearsal space for bands.

This project did not come out of nowhere – there are designs and everything, and an estimated budget.

So we can only conclude that while Willie was out garage-hunting, the government was working on this project and still paying Willie to keep him happy, knowing that he would never find anything.

Or else they paid him and told him to pretend to the public that he was looking for a garage while they got on with this other thing.

In any case, they’re going to keep him on the public payroll. Why? Does he know where the bodies are buried? Owen Bonnici, the minister responsible, told the press this morning that Willie Mangion “is involved in the project” (ah, so he did know about it) and will be kept on to give “technical advice”.

Because, when designing a rehearsal space for bands, you need a hotel lobby singer to advise on the technicalities and acoustics, and not a sound engineer.

Give up and laugh.

11 Comments Comment

  1. canon says:

    And the morons believe them.

    • TinaB says:

      The morons are too busy discussing ‘Hbieb u Ghedewwa.’ On social media, or while waiting to have their hair done at the salon.

  2. Mila says:

    He (Owen Bonnici) said €80,000 have been spent so far in the preparation of the plans, which are to be submitted to Mepa.

    Which proves your point really, as I don’t think that €80,000 plans are drawn overnight.

  3. P Shaw says:

    Not even Tajikistan can come up with something like this.

  4. simca says:

    Tant qed isiru oxxenetajiet u pastazati sfaccati li tiftakar f’wahda u tinsa l-ohra.

    Il-PN immissu ghandu running list izidu maghha l-hin kollu dawk is-sitwazjonijiet li ma irrudx dawk is-switchers li jinsew.

  5. Frans Cassar says:

    Il-garaxx tal-gvern fejn se jsir il-proġett kien hemm minn dejjem u ma kienx hemm bżonn li nqabbdu lil Willie Mangion biex isib post gġax diġa l-post kien jeżisti. Ħela ta’ eluf ta’ liri f ‘pagi lil Mangion għal xi ħaġa li ma wettaqx. Dawk kienu flusna.

  6. John Higgins says:


  7. Magical Realism says:

    It seems that the last thing musicians needed is a reharsal space and worse still, right in the middle of a giant workshop.

    By the looks of it the amphitheatre seems almost an afterthought as if to kill two birds with one stone.

    U iva mhux xorta.

  8. bookworm says:

    Iridx il-hlas ghas-senserija issa wkoll?

  9. ta wied is sewda says:

    They will keep sucking till the last cent.

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