Have you ever watched a kohlrabi dig its own hole?

Published: February 8, 2015 at 4:39pm

Luciano 1

Luciano 2

Luciano 3

Luciano 4

Luciano 5

Luciano 6

Luciano 7

Luciano 8

Luciano 9

16 Comments Comment

  1. curious says:

    And there you have it. “Facli tonfoq. Difficli tkun sostenibbli.”

    • Tom Double Thumb says:

      How right were our ancestors who coined the phrase, “Min jiehu bla ma jrodd sa s-swar ihott.”

      This government is spending now because it found what to spend. When they have to beg for a bail-out, they will find there are no walls to protect them from an impending disaster, except perhaps the Chinese sharks.

      This will then fulfill Alfred Sant’s dictum: “Ahna makku u l-klieb il-bahar lesti biex jibghiluna.”

  2. Mila says:

    Was the employment of this driver something which Luciano Busuttil could decide and do all on his own or are there others who are being very generous and throw accountability to the wind, when spending our taxes?

    • pablo says:

      No. He went up to Joey and said ” Isma gbin, il-mara ta’ Konrat qeda tiehu dawk il-flejjes kbar biex toqghod kwieta, jiena u l-mara rridu full time driver biex noqoghdu kwieti, ok siehbi”

  3. Mila says:

    Wasn’t Luciano Busuttil one of those who said he deserved to be elected with the Labour Party because they will do better than the Nationalist Party?

    It seems that now, when they are being exposed for milking the cow dry, the whole of Labour have a defence which is their finger permanently pointing to what happened before AND justifying their worse transgressions.

    Was it not the Labour Party’s work to point out irregularities while they were in Opposition?

    Will they keep pointing to a Eur400 clock when this is nowhere near the millions being milked today?

  4. Noel Buttigieg Scicluna says:

    When I read these stories I go back prior to the general elections of 2013 and remember how difficult it was to persuade the Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Finance to allow the employment of even the most needed of persons in any of the Ministries or agencies of government. How things and attitudes change under a Labour government!

    • bob-a-job says:

      This is not a Labour government.

      This is a very limited talent show. It’s called ‘Opportunity Knocks’.

    • chico says:

      Yes, but in that respect things haven’t changed at all. You still won’t get the people you really need, as in: are useful and necessary. More drivers, messengers, receptionists, customer-care staff, cleaners, and security personnel than actual people adding value.

  5. Hawk says:

    I don’t blame him: his reasoning must be, if others can do it why not me.

    Shame on all those who are squandering public money as if it was their own. But on second thoughts they would not squander if it was their own money.

  6. Joe Fenech says:

    The Maltese are so deluded and detached from reality that they don’t understand when to shut up.

  7. Talking Through Their Hats says:

    Luciano mentality: Bite more than you can eat.

    Missek tisthi Luciano. Trid tinqeda bis-soltu skuzi tieghek? Ara vera ma tishix minn Alla.

    Jaqq x’zibel ta’ nies.

  8. Talking Through Their Hats says:

    U bil-haqq Luciano, nice make-up. Ghax ma tiffrankax mill-makeup biex tghin minn qieghed f’riskju ta’ poverta’.

    Jew issa l-eskluzjoni socjali m’ghadhiex ittik f’ghajnek?

    Il-vera gvern tal-pampaluni. Fejn hi Yana Mintoff?

  9. bob-a-job says:

    So Luciano Busuttil was a journalist.

    His command of the English language seems to confirm it.

  10. Leone says:

    Il huta minn rasha tinten! Who rented his own car to drive himself around?….others just follow!

  11. ta wied is sewda says:

    Excavation time, the hole is getting bigger and bigger.

  12. gn says:

    U l-Mark Cutajar x’dahlu jaghmel mieghu? U x’paga qed jaqla Cutajar?

    30 elf fis-sena u jaghmel xoghol ic-chairman li hu Luciano innifsu.

    Mark Cutajar, dak ta’ lehnu ohxon li jahdem mas-Super One.

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