Swiss Leaks in the news right now

Published: February 9, 2015 at 10:17am

My declaration of interest (aka proud mother moment – if this post disappears within the next few hours, you’ll know why):

matt 1

matt 2

38 Comments Comment

  1. Mandy says:

    Prosit, Matthew!

  2. Lorry says:


  3. giraffa says:

    Proud mother moment fully understandable, and ‘well done’ to Matthew. When our children, from this tiny piece of rock in the Mediterranean, compete successfully with, and many times excel over, others from all over the world, and without having received any iced buns, then it’s a moment to truly cherish.

  4. Philip says:

    Proud mother moment…and why not? It’s well deserved.

    Best of luck, Matt. Apart from your own obvious and well proven capabilities, you also have the genes to back you in whatever you aspire doing. (Shucks, couldn’t resist that :)

  5. canon says:

    Well done to Matthew Caruana Galizia.

  6. Tabatha White says:

    I hope you keep us posted on future projects.

    Excellent work and dedication to a cause.

  7. Mila says:

    Prosit! Both to this young man and to the household which must have encouraged him to think outside the box.

  8. WhoamI? says:

    That’s one hell of a finger salute! Well done!

    Call in those idiots from Super One – they deserve a 2-finger salute this time.

  9. one of us says:

    Well done Matthew and proud mummy!

  10. H.Galea (NRK) says:

    Congratulations, Mom.

    And even bigger ones to Matthew – may you continue to expand on the foundations you have set.

  11. Wilson says:

    I would be very proud. Well done.

  12. bookworm says:

    Well done.

  13. Nana says:

    Well done, Matt.

  14. A. Charles says:

    Congratulations to Matthew and to his parents who gave their son space to develop his talents.

  15. daniel says:

    Well done… in the family

  16. Ella G says:

    Am proud to see another true and professional journalist ‘in the making’.

    Matthew, if you follow your mum’s steps, which I am sure aren’t easy to endure, our minds will be at rest and news articles will be worth the read. GOD BLESS and well done!

  17. Charlene says:

    Well done!

  18. silvio says:

    Well done, Matthew Caruana Galizia, a worthy son of your mother and father.

  19. WOW says:

    Congrats. Matthew is a son to be proud of.

  20. Linda Kveen says:

    Congratulations! Very impressive accomplishments. You have every reason to enjoy a proud mother moment.

  21. Vertab says:

    He must be so annoyed with you right now (if this was any site other than yours, I would insert a smiley just about now).

    Pride fully deserved and justified. Well done to your son for doing so remarkably well at such a relatively young age and especially for taking a journalistic path that is clearly principle-driven. Apples, trees and all that.

  22. bob-a-job says:

    Ara Salvu x’jinħaraq but no, let’s banish bad thoughts.

  23. H.P. Baxxter says:

    It’s all right as long as you don’t show us any photos of the family at the breakfast table and yourself serving gingerbread. That’s where we draw the line.

    [Daphne – Rest assured that you are not going to get any. Incidentally, we’ve upgraded now to coffee in the Music Room at Villa Francia.]

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Someone should remind The Spouse that the Old Man gets served exactly seven biscuits, not one more and not one less.

  24. Don Camillo says:

    All the best!!! Proud of your achievement Matt !!!

  25. L.Gatt says:

    Well done to your “bambino”.

    [Daphne – That was so funny. I can still picture his face when he looked at the photo expecting to see children his own age and saw three grown men instead.]

  26. Helene says:

    Proud aunt.

  27. hmm says:

    And so it should be, you should both be very proud of your son. Congratulations.

  28. just me says:

    Congratulations to Matthew and best wishes.. Daphne you have every reason to feel proud.

  29. Natalie says:

    That’s an impressive resume’, no wonder you had to have a ‘proud mother moment’.

  30. Giovanna tal pepe says:

    Prosit indeed

  31. G schembri says:

    Understandably proud mum! Prosit Matthew and merit to you too Daphne

  32. Lupin says:


  33. wilfrid buttigieg says:

    PROSIT Matthew for your achievements!

  34. Rita Camilleri says:

    You have every reason to be a proud mother. Well done. And yes, they do grow up so very, very quickly.

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