Will somebody teach the prime minister the difference between it’s and its?
February 14, 2015 at 12:46pm
He’s a prime minister, tweeting publicly. So somebody should check those tweets of his before they go out.
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“Ftit jafu d-differenza, majtezwel niktbuha hazin” – Joseph Muscat
There, their, they’re.
It and them are tits.
Basta kollu hash tags u dottorat.
It’s a sin.
its neither hear nor their….tajjeb ek PM?
Naider hear nor dare. That would be much more fitting for a PM who has a lot of British humour, smells the coffee every morning, stamps his feet and is not afraid to take difficult decision. He is learning fast from the Chinese whom he admires for taking decisions astonishingly fast.
Eh mela issa mhux newtrali Malta? Will play it’s part, issa? Its about time, should be his next tweet.
Probably warn IS of any attack , history has a tendency of repeating itself.
U ejja Def kemm taghgibhom. Wara kollox m’ahniex Inglizi.
Minn tuba x’tistenna?
Why is he not tweeting in Maltese?
English is one of Malta’s official languages.
Your question should have been, why does he make so many errors?
Your answer to Alexander Might have been: he would make a lot more in Maltese.
Alexander has a point. You forget the hissy fit episode when there was no translator at the EU Parliament. See link below:
Alexander has a very valid point. We have two official languages but only one national language and that is Maltese. In Canada for examples MPs were criticized for not using both languages in social media and that soon became a requirement.
Renzi doesn’t know the difference either, so majtezwel.
Renzi didn’t understand the whole tweet
Grammar: the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you’re shit.
That is so brilliant, it’s brilliant!
So now we know why those notorious bos/bus etc. street signs happened.
That’s weird, I thought he said Malta remains neutral. Seems he can’t let Busuttil alone in insisting on action.
Italy’s foreign minister specifically mentioned 5,000 troops, requested another 15,000 strong NATO force and insists pressure should be primarily applied on the pro-Ghaddafi faction in Tripoli until now refusing to acknowledge any problem.
Italy won’t move until the call for assistance is coordinated with both Tripoli and Tobruk but reserves the right to act if Tripoli refuses.
Perhaps Muscat might wish Malta to convince Grech Mintoff, who seems to have usurped Vella of his foreign ministry.
“L’Italia sostiene la mediazione dell’Onu – ha detto il ministro degli Esteri Paolo Gentiloni a Sky Tg24 – ma se non riusciamo nella mediazione, credo che bisogna porsi il problema, con le Nazioni Unite, di fare qualcosa di più”. Il titolare della Farnesina ha fatto sapere che l’Italia è “pronta a combattere, naturalmente nel quadro della legalità internazionale”. “Non possiamo accettare – ha avvertito Gentiloni – che a poche ore di navigazione dall’Italia ci sia una minaccia terroristica attiva”.
Min jahsel ras ta’ hmar ikun qed jahli l-ilma u s-sapun
Don’t Italians say fara’ rather than fara and pronta all’azzione or ad azione instead of the akward and grammatically incorrect a azione?
Joseph Muscat @JosephMuscat_JM · 23h hours ago
Imp dichiarazione dell’ #Italia pronta a azione #Libia sotto egida ONU. #Malta fara sua parte per stabilita’ #Mediterraneo -JM @matteorenzi