Standards in freefall: Department of Information uses “daqt”, three exclamation marks and a smiley emoticon

Published: February 15, 2015 at 8:36am

Daqt? DAQT? Only hamalli say ‘daqt’, because it’s a sign that you are barely literate. The word is DALWAQT. And this in a government Department of Information statement.

And to make matters worse, the DOI talks about “il-Festival tal-Bluha”. I have lived through 49 Maltese carnivals and have yet to see anything remotely approaching ‘bluha’ in them.

The defining characteristic of a Maltese carnival is that it is mind-numbingly conservative, regimented and utterly, mind-numbingly boring.

When I was a child, I used to protest most vociferously against being taken to watch the carnival, it was so horribly tedious and aesthetically offensive. Over the years, the situation has become worse and not better, especially since they discovered fluorescent paint in highlighter colours.

Il festa bal bluha daqt maghna

10 Comments Comment

  1. Mela Darba... says:

    “Jista’ jiġi aċċessat hawnhekk” and “se jiżvolju bejn”.

    Is this really the Maltese of our official government spokesmen? Amateurs all the way.

  2. Miaow Miaow says:

    Daqt Muscat jittwijtjalna li “il-power tation il-ġdida daqt se tibda tintuża x-xahar li ġej skont kif wegħidtkom”

  3. C Falzon says:

    Worry no more. Our carnival will soon be one of the best in the world. Given the six million euro in it that is inevitable.

  4. H.P. Baxxter says:

    The carnival mascot logo (a logo for carnival?) must be the only one to have survived intact from Mintoffian times, untouched by the slick makeovers of the 2000s and 2010s.

    I mean a tambourine, for god’s sake. That’s pure Id-Delfin right there.

  5. Mila says:

    ”jigi accessat ghawnekk” and ”se jisvolgu bejn”, besides the latter seems as if it was left as an incomplete sentence, are both a horrible way to speak/write Maltese.

    When one thinks about the role which language plays in the sphere of culture one finds it difficult to see how the Ministry for Culture can get the language aspect so wrong.

  6. Jack Bean says:

    Għax l-aqwa li qed jintużaw il-fonts tal-Malti u allura iċ-ċ, il-ġ, iż-ż, eċċ għandhom it-tikka (fejn hemm bżonnha) u l-ħ rasha maqtugħa.

    Għax kif taf int, ‘the correct way is not always the easy one.’

  7. il-Ginger says:

    Il-Festa tal-Bluha qila ghaddej minn mindu Labour dahal fil-gvern.

  8. Joe Fenech says:

    I wouldn’t say “hamalli say daqt”, but you definitely need to be one to write it.

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