Newsweek: The massacre of Europe’s songbirds
February 15, 2015 at 10:46am
This extensive article is about how Italian hunters are flocking to Serbia (and Romania) to gun down countless thousands of songbirds there.
The Maltese are not mentioned (for once) but Serbia is a popular destination with Maltese hunters too.
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Noisy f*ckers who shit everywhere. The birds are a nuisance too.
We still manage to get a (dis)honourable mention:
“Their sport is organised by Italian-owned companies, hundreds of which have sprung up in recent years, often registered in the tax havens of Malta or Cyprus.”
We may not be mentioned for the hunting, but we’re mentioned as a tax haven where Italian hunting companies are registered.
So now we have got Malta’s youth movement, meant to be representing all youths, denying youths their right to vote in referendum. Wow, what next. More arrogance?