The dots are joining up

Published: February 22, 2015 at 7:28pm

Look who’s come out to defend Ninu Zammit, the crooked PN (ex) politician who was in cabinet for 20 years and who evaded taxes massively even during the two decades he formed part of the government that collected taxes from others, and who waited until Labour was in government before finally declaring his assets under an amnesty.

Matthew Vella, editor of Malta Today.

Meanwhile, the unofficial Labour army is out in force defending Michael Falzon on the internet while the official Labour media and the Labour Party machine are silent as the grave.

One dot, another dot, another dot…

So now we’re into sticking up for tax-evading ex PN cabinet ministers of 20 years’ standing, are we, Malta Today? Well, what can I say – it’s significant that Malta Today’s pantheon of ex-PN minister heroes are the very three who have been publicly outed for crooked behaviour, lying and cheating, and betraying the electorate: John Dalli, Michael Falzon and John Dalli.

I suggest that instead of sticking up for this lying crook, Matthew Vella lays siege to the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists and tries to win access to the information we all want. Maybe if he finds out just how much Ninu Zammit was hiding and evading tax on WHILE HE WAS A MINISTER OF GOVERNMENT, he might just shift his attitude.

matthew vella