How corrupt – and above all, how cynical
I’ve just been thinking what a kick that rank outsider and playground loser Muscat must have got by thrilling so many blank-minded ‘posh people’ I know with his accusations of corruption and his self-presentation as St Michael the Scourge of Maltese Clocks, when all along he was cynically plotting his truly corrupt deals behind their backs.
There’s nothing a rank outsider and backwoods bunny likes better than the notion of hoodwinking, conning and cheating those he has been raised to think of, with resentment, as his social betters who have unjustified pretensions.
I’ve always found it useless trying to explain to those sorts of people that an individual like Muscat will always resent them and want to do them in no matter how much money he makes, how powerful he becomes and how much of their society he is allowed to keep.
People like him don’t want to belong.
They want to be in a position where they can get a secret kick out of having their perceived (I say perceived to be polite, because really, I mean actual) social betters crawl to them, suck up to them and eat their excrement while pronouncing it delicious, in return for favours, access, positions, money and attention, while he laughs at them behind their backs, despises them and makes them ridiculous without their knowledge.
It gives psycho-socially twisted people like Joseph Muscat a sense of pleasure to work up people like many of those I know about a stupid, tacky clock while all along he is hatching a Eur4.2 million deal with a cheating scoundrel like Mario Camilleri of Cities Entertainment and planning to sell off half the country to a bunch of Chinese communist dictators and human-rights violators (while going on about gay rights and liberalism).
I don’t wish to be rude on this pleasant Sunday afternoon, but really – idiots, all. You know who you are.