Ejjew, l-ahwa! Ha ninghaqdu flimkien u insibu 'cause' ohra ghal Mrs Vella

Published: March 24, 2010 at 1:52pm
Let's march on Bahr.....ooops! Issa sew.

Let's march on Bahr.....ooops! Issa sew.

Austin Gatt, demonstrating the qualities for which he is admired by many and disliked by others, has just announced that the plans for a partial roof for the new Valletta theatre are “final and not going to change”.

Mrs Vella is going to have a hard time stuffing that into her pipe and smoking it.

It seems a great shame that the nation has been deprived of a televised debate between Austin Gatt and Astrid Vella.

Oh boy, how I would have LOVED to see that: the human fly-swatter with the human fly. Bbzzzzzzzzzzzz. Thwack! Bbzzzzzzzzzzz! Thwack! Thwack!

“Hawn xi hadd ghandu bott Flitt, jew?”

Now it’s back to the drawing-board for Mrs Vella (en plein air or the tea-table) to brainstorm for a new cause that will give her a reason to get out of bed in the morning.

Anything involving Robert Musumeci appears to be out, so it’s going to be an uphill struggle. Xi hadd ghandu baroque house Tas-Sliema, ghal li jista jkun?

45 Comments Comment

  1. Simon Condiwust says:


    I wonder if Maltastar will be writing anything about this.

    [Daphne – CHARLES CRAWFORD DID NOT DENY THAT THE SMS MESSAGE WAS MEANT FOR HIM. SANDRO CHETCUII DID NOT DENY THAT HE MEANT TO SENT THE SMS TO CHARLES CRAWFORD. I couldn’t be bothered to put in the spelling and grammatical errors, but you get the gist.]

    • Alan says:

      Well, there you have it.

      The Labour media said that the SMS to Joseph Muscat had absolutely nothing to do with Sandro Chetcuti beating up Vince Farrugia. From the horse’s mouth – it had EVERYTHING to do with it.

      I wonder if any media will ask Joseph Muscat for his comments in light of Vince Farrugia’s testimony?

    • Alan says:

      To me, this is the most shocking part of the Times’ report :

      ” When one of them repeated how Mr Chetcuti had said ‘noqtlok noqtlok,’ Mr Chetcuti, who was in court, was heard to say ‘veru’ with a smile as he turned to his wife.”

      Nice friends of Magistrate Consuelo Scerra Herrera.

    • Twanny says:

      Gatt confirms that he is the most insensitive and arrogant Minister ever to afflict the Maltese political scene.

      And I get the impression he is trying to convince himself, more than anybody else.

      [Daphne – Where on the scale of insensitivity and arrogance would you put the entire cabinet/s of the years 1971 to 1987? Oh but I forgot for a minute there: you voted for Lorry Sant, Joe Grima, Patrick Holland, AST, KMB, Dom Mintoff, Il-Colonna tal-Partit and other such much-loved figures.]

      • Timotius says:

        @ Twanny, If only all the other MPs were half as assertive as Dr Gatt our country would be paradise. He is one of just a few who deliver. Some do not like the way he delivers but at least he does.

        And he delivers without any corruption. This Mickey Mouse country needs results and quickly, since I can’t see it becoming any worse. Although I am sure it will, God forbid, in 2013 unless the PN get their house in order by then.

      • Twanny says:

        Why was Enemalta (and, by extension, the Dellimara job) removed from Gatt’s remit?

      • Timotius says:

        Does that prove corruption? Are you now accusing our prime minister of being corrupt simply because he delegated Mepa to someone else? Or confirming Miss Micallef is corrupt since he was removed as Labour Party secretary general?

      • Antoine Vella says:

        “Why was Enemalta (and, by extension, the Dellimara job) removed from Gatt’s remit?”

        So that he can concentrate his energies on the”Valletta job”. It’s practically guaranteed now that the project will be finished on time, before the next elections.

      • Twanny says:

        Did I mention corruption? No. The fact that you did, however, speaks volumes.

      • Grezz says:

        Twanny, people like Austin Gatt may be disliked, but they get things done.

      • Grezz says:

        Twanny – Do you perhaps know of some corrupt practices within Dr. Gatt’s office, of which, perhaps, Dr. Gatt may be unaware? Kindly enlighten Dr. Gatt if that is the case.

      • N.L says:

        Kemm tixtiequ ssibu x`haga ohra xi tghidu fuq Austin. Arroganti, allura – l-aqwa li ghandu l-abilita politika u kapaci jiehu decizzjoni.
        Twanny, tghidu x`tghidu, xorta No.1 jibqa.

      • Timotius says:

        Twanny, I said that he delivers without corruption and then you replied that Enemalta was removed from his remit, implying that he is corrupt. I used to wonder if you are either incredibly smart or incredibly stupid and the more you post here the clearer the answer becomes.

      • John Schembri says:

        Twanny I was one who used to write against Austin Gatt, but I have to say he IS a doer. We were being taken for a ride by his predecessor.

        The much awaited Valletta Road in Zurrieq is being re-built. Not only that, but we already have the resurfacing of Qrendi Road and the roads from Ta’ Kandja to Siggiewi, from Imqabba to Qormi and from Siggiewi to Rabat (there are some 50 metres which were not re-surfaced).

        Austin: Inqas paroli u iktar xoghol.

  2. Ganona says:

    Ha naraw ma’ xiex ha taqbad issa is-sinjura Vella. Il-bott Flitt intijulek bil-qalb kollha, Daphne, ghax ma’ niflahx aktar nisma lehinha! Kemm teqred.

  3. Antoine Vella says:

    There’s the Australia Hall story she could take up: the building is dilapidated and without a roof so it’s right up her street but she won’t find much support from maltastar for this particular “scandal”.

    • Twanny says:

      Maybe the government building on Paola Square occupied by the PN as a club?

      • Giovanni says:

        Le, Twanny, let’s talk about the Australia Hall which caught fire on a heavily rainy night. X’ tahseb? Do a bit of brain-storming and try to work out how there was a short-circuit with no electricity.

    • Crocodile Dundee says:

      Yes Antoine, mate. She protested about Piano’s theatre without a roof, but she never protested about Australia Hall which lies in ruins and without a roof.

  4. Joseph Micallef says:

    How about the proposed science park similar to Nemo in Amsterdam.

  5. Dear Daphne and Malta,

    I deny everything. Does that help?


    • Twanny says:

      As Jim Hacker (of Yes, Minister! fame) once said, “In politics, you should never believe anything until it has been officially denied”.

      [Daphne – Hence Joseph Muscat and ‘I have never had sexual relations with that Sandro Chetcuti.’]

    • Silverbug says:

      Great all-encompassing answer – what exactly are you denying, though?

    • Alan says:

      Somebody pleeeeeease explain the meaning of humour. It seems to be sorely lacking through a whole lot of comments across these blog-posts. A lot of people have to learn not to take life so seriously, kollox bill pinna u klamar.

      • Corinne Vella says:

        Humour can’t be explained. You’ll notice that it’s sorely lacking among the more literal-minded. No prizes for guessing which party gets their vote.

    • Grezz says:

      @ Charles Crawford – If One News give you the treatment they usually give their enemy of the moment, you’re probably going to hear your name regurgitated on their media for months to come.

  6. TROY says:

    Din Astrid xi warm fish bit taljan jew.

  7. Mobi says:

    Throw the dog a bone – why don’t we propose something preposterous like the Maltese version of the London Eye in the middle of Valletta, and watch Astrid latch on to it like a pitbull on a trespasser’s backside?

    She’ll have a reason to live, and we’ll get a kick out of watching her protest…

    Believe it or not, the “Valletta Eye” was a real project.

  8. Peter Vella says:

    No mention of the evidence given by Vince Farrugia on Maltastar. Is it surprising? Will they put in something by tomorrow morning? I wait with bated breath to see how they will spin this one if they do. It’s not going to be easy!

    [Daphne – You can rest assured that I will be in that story somewhere, and so will that unwitting victim Charles CrOwford.]

  9. maryanne says:

    ‘partial roofless’ theatre in Valletta is .. (maltastar.com)

    This is better than roofless theatre!

    Minister Austin Gatt is ‘stripped Gatt’.

  10. david farrugia says:

    She could also come to Bormla since there are lots of Baroque houses there and then she could stop ghand iz-Ziemel Bar. We can find some fine bone china to serve her tea in.

  11. me says:

    As Jim Hacker (of Yes, Minister! fame) once said, “In politics, you should never believe anything until it has been officially denied”.

    That is exactly what came to mind when Joseph Muscat denied knowing Chetcuti.

    • La Redoute says:

      Joseph Muscat did not deny knowing Sandro Chetcuti. He denied having anything to do with the attack. In Maltastar’s terms, he didn’t deny it and so it must be true.

      Except that this time, it really is.

  12. pippo says:

    Taf x’naf inghid, li hu xinhu, Austin Gatt sab tarf tad-dockyard u tat-trasport pubbliku.

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