Giovanni Kessler: Police Commissioner John Rizzo was determined to charge John Dalli

Published: March 17, 2015 at 2:33pm
A couple of crooks

A couple of crooks

The European Commission’s top anti-fraud investigator said in the Court of Justice in Valletta this afternoon that Police Commissioner John Rizzo told him John Dalli had admitted lying to European Commission investigators when he told them that he did not know they were investigating him.

Yes, he lied to European Commission investigators when he was a European Commissioner himself.

Kessler said he then waited for John Dalli outside Dalli’s Brussels office to confront him with the accusation that he had lied and had also admitted to lying when he was interrogated by Police Commissioner John Rizzo. Dalli, Kessler said, pretended to be surprised.

Rizzo then flew to Brussels with two chief inspectors from the Malta Police, and requested documents from OLAF files, which he received.

In December 2012 (around nine weeks before the general election which marked the end of Rizzo’s career as Police Commissioner, and John Dalli’s salvation from prosecution and his elevation to the right hand of Prime Minister Muscat), Kessler rang Rizzo and asked him what was happening.

Rizzo told him that he and his colleagues in the police force had decided to charge Dalli, but he had to be physically present in Malta for this to take place. As soon as he set foot in Malta, he would be arraigned in court, Rizzo told Kessler.

Dalli stayed away from Malta for the next nine weeks, until the general election, using ‘unfit to travel’ certificates which this website later revealed were issued by an obstetrician who works for a group of suspect American Christians linked to John Dalli & Associates, based a great distance away from his home in Brussels, in a one-horse town in the middle of nowhere in Germany. He returned only when it was safe to do so, a few days before the general election when he knew that Rizzo would be removed immediately Muscat came to power.