Oh, the lies

Published: April 11, 2015 at 12:35am

John Dalli, when interviewed by The Malta Independent with one of his daughters serving the purpose of teleprompter, said that it’s a lie that he returned to Malta only after John Rizzo had been removed from the post of police commissioner.

I came to Malta at the beginning of April, he said.

The sixth of April, his daughter’s puts in.

Well, it was this website which broke the news that John Rizzo had been removed. I had heard a word here or there and rang him.

So all I had to do was pull up the date of that blog-post and there it was: 12 April. And that wasn’t the date that Rizzo was removed. That was the date I heard he had been removed, the date I spoke to him about it, and the date I wrote my blog-post.

So what we are looking at here is a situation in which Dalli landed in Malta and Rizzo was told to clear his desk.

Dalli landed in Malta precisely because he knew that Rizzo was going to be removed. How would I know that, he asked his interviewer rhetorically. He must think our brains have been addled with holy water from Lourdes.

