Big story in The Malta Independent: Joseph Muscat and Konrad Mizzi lied through their teeth about waiver

Published: May 31, 2015 at 10:21am

waiver lie

You really should read this story in The Malta Independent on Sunday: the hospital waiver does not cover structural flaws. The government is still able to sue. The prime minister and the health minister have the full contract and will have known this when they raised a storm about their predecessors waiving liability.

The reasons why they would have said what they said despite knowing what they knew are “inexplicable”, The Malta Independent says.

The newspaper is just being polite. The reasons why they lied could not be more obvious: they were desperate for something to distract people from their plans for a University of Baksheesh built on agricultural land from which farmers are to be evicted. Not having anything to hand, like a corrupt criminal who they can portray as a ‘whistleblower’, they invented something instead.

And now it’s blown up in their faces.

To make matters worse, The Malta Independent has got hold of the full email which John Dalli quoted in an attempt at exonerating himself from involvement, and finds that he lied too – by quoting only half a paragraph and leaving out the other half, thereby giving the precise opposite of the true facts.

Line them up and shoot them at dawn, the lot of them. Alfred Sant was hammered by the electorate after just 22 months for a tiny fraction of what his former office boy is doing now.