Kollu tort tad-dwal ta' Robert fuq L-Gholja tas-Salib (anzi ma kienx hemm il-latrini ta' Consuelo ukoll)
April 6, 2010 at 6:45pm
The Finance Ministry has released a statement with the contents of an inquiry report about the nationwide power cut on Good Friday evening.
It turns out that it was all due to a strange peak in demand between 1927hrs and 1937hrs.
Iż-żieda fil-load bejn is-7.27 u t-7.37 ta’ filgħaxija kienet ta’ 11.5MW. Din kienet aktar mid-doppju tar-riżerva ta’ 5MW, u għalhekk wassal f’nuqqas fil-ġenerazzjoni u eventwalment għal tnaqqis fil-frekwenza.
And there was our Robert, so full of pride on Facebook because his Gholja tas-Salib has been lit so spectacularly this year that a record number of people were tempted to visit. I’d say the biggest draw was the mayor and his lady friend. But never mind.
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Punt ta’ kjarifika – id-dwal fuq ta’ l-Gholja hu provdut minn generator u mhux minn mal-mains.
And we thought that it was a miracle that the Gholja had power when the rest of Malta was in the dark.
Il-maj, kemm int ta’ gewwa. Jaqaw?
Curiously the hill seems to have been one of the first places to have electricity restored. I left Rabat not more than 20 minutes after the power failed and the only light I could see anywhere (apart from car headlights) was the brightly lit up Laferla Cross.
That’s because the electricity it needs doesn’t come from the power station. You saw it lit up because in fact, the electricity there was not switched off while the whole of Malta was.
You have to give it to him, for all his vices, Robert does his homework well – at least where his work as mayor comes in.
Apparentement, fejn tidhol Consuelo, kollox irid ikun jidher sew.
Mela x’ fihom il-latrini ta’ Consie? Sodod, jew?
Actually, I think it was Astrid switching on her microphone.
Actually a spike not a peak in demand, they are two different things
Sorry Mrs. Galizia imma taf kemm -il bozza tixghel b’11.5MW ? Jekk il-bozoz ikunu tas-60W tixghel 191,666. Ma nahsibx li kien hemm mija u wiehed u disghin elf bozza fuq l-gholja. Ahjar isib skuza ahjar is-sur Tonio u ma joqghodx idahhak in-nies bih!
[Daphne – Another literal mind.]
Another mind boggling observation by J Tabone which typifies the Labour mindset.
During the blackout I was driving along the bypass near Mater Dei/the university.
The blackout happened as the street lights were being switched on which must have resulted in the spike mentioned, but the engineers on duty should have known the consumption needed by the street lights and the amount of energy being used before the street lights were on.
So in my opinion this could have been easily avoided or at least this should not have resulted in a total blackout.
I know, partial blackouts are unfair, but for the economy they are better than total blackouts.
From the information above, the blackout occurred at about 7.30pm. At that time, a lot of my brethren turn on Super One to watch Charlon or Jonatin with what they call One News.
God must have realised that fasting on the day was already more than enough. Charlon and co on air would have been pure agony. Actually – there may be another theory to be looked into. what if the demand increased because ONE news had just started?
Not much industry is active at 7pm on Good Friday. It seems as though a miscalculation of some kind took place and a slow reaction to respond to the ‘spike’ created the problem.
One does not have to spend good money to appoint an ‘independent team of experts’ in order to determine who was at fault.
It would be more interesting if Enemalta had the expertise to find out what this 11.5Mw spike was all about. I am no engineer but 11 megawatts is a lot of juice and a darned rare coincidence that a whole town suddenly decided to switch on.
Sorry Mr. Tabone,
skond kif tixghelhom. Is-sur Tonio kkwota ‘r-rapport ta’ Enemalta.
waqajt an nejk daphne ax generator kellhom u mhux mill power station. kemm int tan nejk
Ismek biss juri kemm int bravu a kemm il-Labour Party jigbor irmixk!