Good. Finally the Opposition leader uses the C-word.

Published: June 8, 2015 at 1:09am


The Malta Independent reports:

Opposition leader Simon Busuttil today hit out at what he termed a “corrupt” government, saying it made developer Marco Gaffarena a millionaire overnight using taxpayer’s money thanks to a shady expropriation deal.

Mr Gaffarena made a killing when the government purchased a quarter of a Valletta property off him in January, and another quarter in April with a total compensation package worth €1.65 million.

Speaking during a radio interview, Dr Busuttil questioned why the government decided to purchase a quarter of a house, instead of expropriation the whole property.

The person who sold the property had no idea it would be worth millions, in what is an “obscene and clear case of corruption,” Dr Busuttil said.

He said this case almost belittles the Cafe Premier scandal, and the government seems to constantly surpass itself by plunging to new lows, in what he called “a race to the bottom.”