They’ve kept Willie on the state payroll

Published: June 26, 2015 at 10:57pm

willie mangion

Willie Mangion’s one-year contract to find a garage in which bands can rehearse, signed with the incoming government in 2013, was renewed again in 2014 because finding a rehearsal place in Malta is as tough as finding an office in Shanghai.

Then the government came up with this multi-million project to build a Carnival Village in Marsa, with space for bands to rehearse, and the more naïve among us thought “Uh-oh, poor Willie – now he’ll have to work for a living.”

But the Nationalist Party’s news portal, MaltaRightNow, reports that the government has renewed Willie Mangion’s contract yet again – and this time it doesn’t have a sell-by date because now his brief is to “provide logical support” to the Malta Council for Culture and the Arts when they set up something involving bands.

Nice (non) work if you can get it. This government is fantastic at spending other people’s money on its friends and cronies.