Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting artistic director advertises his “XXL” penis on the internet for “users between 30 and 99”

Published: July 6, 2015 at 7:47pm

Phyllis Muscat’s artistic director wants you to know that he has a very big tool. And if you’re aged between 30 and 99, he’s happy to have you use it.

Ray Calleja is the Labour Party television show host who CHOGM chief and face-cream maven Phyllis Muscat (who hosts the prime minister and his wife to days out on her sailing-yacht) has put on the state payroll as “artistic director” for the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting to be held in Malta in October.

I’d really like to know why gay Maltese men – SOME gay Maltese men – think they have special privileges which straight men and gay or straight women don’t have.

Can you imagine any woman in a public position advertising herself, and more specifically the attributes of her genitals, in this manner? She’d be called a whore and would have to resign.

It’s no different for a straight man. Picture, say, the prime minister’s aide Glenn Bedingfield advertising the size of his member for sexual encounters and posing provocatively with that member made prominent (forget for a moment that he is out of shape). It would be considered completely unacceptable, nuts, degrading to his office & c & c. People would ask whether there’s something wrong with him and whether he perhaps needs to see a psychologist.

But some gay men in Malta think that the rules of behaviour don’t apply to them. And their superiors – and people in general – are afraid to object because all of this is so new and they’re worried they might not seem liberal.

Well, I have news for them: in societies far more advanced than ours it is no more acceptable for a gay man to flaunt himself sexually on the internet or other means of communication than it is for a straight man or woman.

A gay man who holds public office or who works for a serious organisation and who is caught promoting the size of his member on sex hook-up sites ends up on the front pages of the newspapers, all over the television discussion shows, and in the dole queue.

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