Just in case you've got nothing better to do tomorrow morning

Published: April 14, 2010 at 9:31pm
Mistiedna specjali, il-Leader u Mrs Leader

Mistiedna specjali, il-Leader u Mrs Leader

Nisa Laburista ta’ Haz-Zabbar jistiednuk ghall-Coffee Morning

Data: 15 ta’ April, 2010

Post: South Port Villa & Gardens, Marsaxlokk

Tluq: Fid-9.00 am – Minn hdejn il-Polymer Pharmacy, Zabbar

Prezz: Euro 5.00, trasport inkluz
Biljetti minghand membri

18 Comments Comment

  1. Hot Mama says:

    I have a life thankyouverymuch :)

  2. Camillo Bento says:

    Iiii marelli kif saru tal-Labour. Hames euros ghal kofi mornink filghodu? Fi zmieni …..jew b’xejn jew xejn. Viva Karmenu u Mintoff. Isa hej Joey kemm ghamel progress.

  3. Cannot Resist Anymore! says:

    Did I hear that Aleks of Forum Zghazagh Laburisti is going to be there since he is from Zabbar? Is he now?

    Maybe he will talk pexinitli to the fidili about his favorite subject, selective censorship.

  4. freefalling says:

    Arani sejjer niehu xower biex inkun minn ta’ l-ewwel fill q!

    Tinsewx il-hobza biz-zejt hbieb tieghi.

  5. Camillo Bento says:

    @freefalling u t(h)ermos hi b’naqa kafe’

  6. Not Tonight says:

    Hey, thanks for the heads-up, Daphne. Can’t think of a better way to spend the morning….NOT. Maaaaa, x’misthija. On second thoughts, it will likely be a very educational occasion. Think of all those stout ladies, practising recognition of numbers up to ninety….their grey matter (as in mouldy) will probably ache with the effort of so much concentration.

  7. Camillo Bento says:

    @Not Tonight. Isma hej….twaqqax il-loghba tat-tombla ghac-cajt. Dik loghba serja u trid ikollok kapacita’ mhux hazin biex tilghabha. Nispera li tiskuza ruhek. Grazzi b’il quddiem.

  8. muhaha says:

    oh no! I’m going to have to buy earplugs then.

  9. TROY says:

    We”ve got better things to do, but thanks just the same.

  10. Isard du Pont says:

    Is Consuelo picking them up?

  11. Joe Fenech says:

    Oh come on! In Europe (UK, France, Italy..) being able to attend such an activity means you’re well-off and that your wife chooses not to work! Imma hawn jekk tmur xi haga irridu nghid li m’ghandekx x’taghmel u li int hamallu! Hallucinant quand meme…!

  12. Dem-ON says:

    Ara kemm se jimpressjonahom biz-zjara tieghu fic-Cina. X’aktarx jghidilhom illi anke waqt li kien fic-Cina, ghamel terremot. Izda imbaghad x’aktarx jghidilhom ukoll illi immissja il-pastizzi ta’ Malta.

  13. red-nose says:

    Coffee morning at 5Euro is quite good, considering that they have to find 40,000 euro per year to pay Marisa – by the way, will she be there?

  14. Il-Cop says:

    Iz-zikk hej. li kont naf qabel jahasra ma kontx inhallas il-kont tad-dawl u kont immur. Izda issa hallastu u gejt browk. Kollu tort ta’ Gonzi.

  15. Rita Camilleri says:

    Had I known before would have taken the morning off ha mmur niehu sangwic u pastizz u niltaqa mal-lejder u ghal 5 ewro biss.

  16. Alan says:

    This is the consequence of Sandro Chetcuti’s arrest. Il-leader is on his own now, and came up with this. Give him a break miskin, he’s trying.

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