And this man doesn't even know what PMS stands for
April 14, 2010 at 9:40pm
PMS 2010-04-14 18:03
Harrassment ta’ tfal taht l’eta minn DFG sempliciment ghax ghandhom Missierhom fil -Politika, kwazi jissejjah ATT PEDOFILU u veru konferma li din il-bicca hmieg imsemmiha Daphne Caruana Galizia waqet fl-aktar livelbaxx li jista jasal esseri tas -sess feminil.
Mara ma hiex zgur ghax l’ebda Mara bil-kapacitajiet mentali flokhom ma tizufjetta b’zewg Angli ta anqas minn 3 snin.
Fejnha il-Kummissarju tat-tfaL? Sejra tghid xi haga?
U l-Gonz?
Hiereg xi hadd jikkundanna dan l-agir jew ghax tfal ‘genituri Laburisti’ huma children of a lesser God ??
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No no no they have the name of the film wrong. It should be Dumb and Dumber and not Children of a Lesser God.
GHaziz PMS, Primarjament nifrahlek ghan-nik li ghazilt. Verament (ghax dik hija bazwerd) jixraqlek. Jixraqlek kemm pre kif ukoll post.
Ibqa’ sejjer fi triq li qbadt u kemm jista’ jkun fid-direzzjoni tar-Rabat. Meta tasal ir-Rabat ibqa’ sejjer dritt. Ara ma jmurx ifettillek tikser fuq ix-xellug jew il-lemin. Stant li int ragel fuq l-irgiel ibqa’ sejjer dritt u tieqafx. Bl-isbah xewqat.
I think I remember PMS because I saw a car coming out of Super One Studios in Marsa and the numberplate started with PMS. I thought this must be one of the health profession experts who continually appear on Super One with John Bundy but I could not recognise this person. I thought he must be one of the recently promoted consultant gynaecologists at Mater Dei Hospital but using the letters PMS (Post Menstrual Syndrome) was OTT.
Kiss me honey,honey kiss me
What is wrong with these people? Seriously.
I don’t even know why you have to mock them; you can just sit back and let them dig their own graves. It’s like pushing lemmings off a cliff.
These cretins don’t need a push. Lemmings do it on their own.
Can’t understand these people. So at one point, there they go, copying directly from Wikipedia, and on other occasions, they ignore it completely.
They must be suffering from SS (Schizophrenia Symptoms).
Is this PMS for real? Ara vera m’ghandhomx jaghmlu dawn in-nies.
See what I mean, when I say these comments are nerve wrecking? Pathetic! Anyone would think you put the little “angli” on the most wanted list. What the f*** is an “esseri tas-sess femminili”? Veru kaz ta’ – jaqq x’attak ta nies!
Well, anyone who doesn’t know that the letter “l” followed by an apostrophe (“l’ebda”) doesn’t exist in Maltese, is obviously a dumb sh*t. Basta jiktbu bil-Malti.