One for the Mlatasatr crowd

Published: April 16, 2010 at 12:03pm
All together now - inkantaw ma' Trevor Zahra

All together now - inkantaw ma' Trevor Zahra

L-ghalliem jghidilna dejjem
Li l-Malti hu hafif,
‘Mma jien nipprova niktbu
U lanqas biss naf kif.

Jista’jkun illi mohhi
Ikun mitluf, kultant,
Jew forsi, kif tghid ommi,
Jien hrigt ftit injorant.

Ghax l-aktar li nithawwad,
U naghmel salt caflis,
Hu meta nkun se nikteb
Xi kliem gej mil-Ingliz.

L-ghalliem qalilna niktbu
Dal-kliem, kif inhossuh,
isda…mhux in-nies kollha
L-istess preciz jghiduh!

Missieri jghidlu telefon
In-nannu: teleforn
Il-Mummy (jew Mami): telefown
L-ghalliem jghidilna blekbord
Iz-zija tghidlu blakbord
Mark Xuereb jghidlu blekbort.

Jien tghidx kemm ili nara :
Jeans u mobile miktubin,
Narahom fuq it-television (Sorry: televixin…) (Sori: sori)
Imm’issa suppost nikteb:
gins, mowbajl, tenkju, plis,
guddej, gudnajt u hendawt,
“Gej fowtow, ghidu cis!”

L-ghalliem jibqa’ jghidilna
Li l-Malti hu hafif,
‘Mma n-nannu l-bierah qalli:
“Dan Malti tat-teftif!”
Tu rajt diss moltis properli
Jess, ju mast hev samm gazz,
Plis, gimi e brejk, ticers:
Jur gona drajv mi nazz!

– Trevor Zahra

14 Comments Comment

  1. La Redoute says:

    Insejtu l-majtezwel.

  2. Carmel Said says:

    We must be the only people who can write a poem in two different languanges

    Once upon gurnata sbejha
    I was walking in a gnien
    U r-riha of pretty flowers
    Filled the air ma’ kullimkien

  3. I love this – brilliant!

  4. freefalling says:

    Thanks for the good laugh!

    These people persist on having Maltese as our primary language but it’s a mixture of Maltese and English, albeit mispelt, mispronounced, often misplaced and always used out of context.

    • Il-Cop says:

      @ il-Ginger
      And my 12 points go to, hold on, hold on, here it comes, FEMINEM. Oh my God I’m getting too old for this stuff but thanks anyway ginger.

  5. g says:

    Great – a good laugh, except that it is too close to the truth.

    I tried to read my son’s homework notes: “Malti hendawt Pg 3” and gave him a telling off for incorrect spelling, until I realised that he had copied what the teacher had written on the white-board.

    And we pay good money for his education.

  6. Rita Camilleri says:

    @ g – the same happened to me when I was helping my then 8 year son to read in Maltese – “Gianni libes il-buts. Yes you were meant to read it as “boots”, but it took me a good 5 minutes to understand as I read it as the plural of ‘but’.

    • JoeM says:


      You’ve got it all wrong.

      In all probability the text read “Ġanni libes il-buz”. “Buz” is the pair of boots, whilst one boot is “buza” and many pairs of boots are “bwiez” or “buzijiet”.

  7. Anthony Briffa says:

    At the Labour Party club in Floriana they have put up a board announcing that “Il-Fuwil rega’ ghola”.

    • bookworm says:

      I used to live in Floriana, and even as a child I used to note the grammatical mistakes of the club’s slogans. What can I say, other than the boards used to make my day!

  8. Dem-ON says:

    A sweet poem from Trevor Zahra, which I never read. Thanks, Daphne.

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