The Great Leader receives a Facebook presentation in a plestik folder
I’m actually beginning to feel the first twinges of sympathy for that prat, Joseph Muscat. There he is, trying to be all cool, hip and sophisticated while at every turn he’s tripped up by the clumping idiots who have surrounded him and with whom he has deliberately surrounded himself – like this Ivan Delia, for example, who has set up a Facebook group called CERTI LI NSIBU 5000 RUH LI JIVVUTAW LABOUR.
Then when Kurt Farrugia, the Labour Party’s communications small-shot, tries a little damage limitation by banning coverage of their embarrassing behaviour from Super One and Mlatasatr, they outwit him (difficult, that) by giving it coverage all over Facebook.
That’s what happened when Jesmond Zammit, who proudly describes himself as the ‘creator’ of the Facebook Group that seeks 5000 votes for the Labour Party (and most of them seem to be from people who are Labour voters anyway) and Ivan Delia, the ‘group administrator’, hit on the brilliant idea of presenting the Great Leader with a print-out of all the comments left on the Facebook group’s ‘wall’. For the uninitiated, that’s not the kind of wall you can piss against, sadly.
They stuck the print-out in a cheap plastic folder, and presented it formally to the Great Leader, who was then forced to look through it and smile pleasantly while thinking to himself, ‘What a bunch of frigging morons. Who are these people and why are they so mad and stupid? How come I don’t get to lead the Nationalist Party, and wind up instead with this sad lot of candidates for the basket-weaving course?’
The Great Leader and Kurt Farrugia didn’t take a photographer along but proud Ivan and Jesmond certainly did and then they uploaded the results on Facebook.
The caption to this photograph is: Jien u Jesmond dalghodu inqassmu l-posts taghkhom li dehru fil-wall f’aktar minn 50 pagna lil Mexxej Laburista Joseph Muscat.
The tragedy of this mini-farce is that those comments, printed out and bound in a suitably tacky folder, are mainly along these scintillating intellectual lines:
Realllllllllly nice pic Jes!!!!!???!!!!
Proset hej Ivan kemm int orrajt!!!!!????!!!!
Haqq dak iz-zibel ta’ GonziPN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And then we had today’s comment from none other than Ivan Delia himself, which I assume was not included in the presentation folder for Joseph Muscat because it came in too late:
DCG FUCK OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This after saying that ‘thanks god’ he does not look like a ‘bidwi’ like my son – ‘bidwi’ apparently now being a term of abuse among the working-classes like Ivan Delia, who have found a class of people on whom they can look down.
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I previously commented that his party is running him into the ground and this is a classic example. I take it there was no press coverage – instead it was posted on Facebook by a follower of his party.
They look like two school kids who ran home excited to show their father a painting they made in class. The father knows it’s rubbish but still feels the need to humour them and stick it on the fridge.
Your comment is as funny as it is true!
You have to admit, he is a good Leader.
[Daphne – Carmel, you should have worked out by now that you shouldn’t trust your judgement. You thought Malta would be better off out of the EU – just like Muscat did.]
Carmel, next you’ll be saying that Consuelo has got a great figure. Let the volcanic dust settle and have a great life.
Why did Super One and Malata-tarts not mention anything about this presentation to the Leader?
Maybe Joseph Muscat plans to invite those 5,000 “new” friends to dinner, like he used to do with GRTU members?
Carmel, you don’t have to be a genius, to be the leader of such idiots.
Dawn bis-serjeta?
Nisthi ghalihom dawn in-nies.
The poor sod looks so bored flicking through the pages and pretending he’s interested. What a complete waste of time by two puffed-up pricks.
Qisu xi progett tat-tfal tal-ewwel sena, meta jkunu ghadhom ferhanin li tghallmu juzaw il-Word u jiktbu isimhom b’ittri kbar fuq il-faccata.
U le. Tinsultax lit-tfal zghar. Hemm minnhom li ghandhom hafna izjed sens minn hafna adulti.
When I started to read this cartoon-style blog-post, I assumed you were pulling our leg and would then go on to crack a joke – until I saw a photo of the plastic folder’s front page.
[Daphne – Now they’re all in a frazzle on their Facebook wall, claiming they’re being watched by Dar Centrli (like they give a ….). Wayne’s World, complete with the central-casting nerds.]
Nerds ? This chap looks like he is capable of pulling off a Sandro Chetcuti job at the drop of a hat.
Isn’t that Joseph Muscat’s job? Shouldn’t he be the one who proves (beyond reasonable doubt) that Labour are worthy of our vote?
Ivan Delia and Jesmond Zammit managed to attain 5000 Facebook votes from people who in the last election probably voted Labour anyway. I certainly was not convinced to vote Labour after reading their Facebook wall.
So, what was the point? This must have been such an embarrassing encounter for Joseph Muscat but what were his options? “Dammed if you do and damned if you don’t”.
Who needs strategists like Marisa Micallef Leyson when you have bright guys like these for free?
I suppose you mean: “Who would spend Euro 40 grand annually on strategists like Marisa Micallef Leyson…”
And I’m not even talking about the spelling. On the FRONT PAGE.
Venti giorni di digiuno assoluto! Niente mangiare, niente bere!!
Can we have a look at the list of people, to see who they are and whether they are close to 5000?
You can see the list on Facebook.