Corrupt freeloaders update: “Hello from LA”
As though it’s not bad enough that Michelle, Soleil and Etoile Muscat and Mrs Muscat’s personal assistant, Pamela Seychell, have gone to Los Angeles on the public dime for the Special Olympics.
It turns out that Chris Agius, Parliamentary Secretary for Research, Innovation, Youth and Sport (ghax tas-sport, hux) and Justyne Caruana, Parliamentary Secretary for Rights of Persons with Disability and Active Aging (ghax tal-disabled, hux) are there too, also on the public dime.
They probably took at least one personal assistant each with them, too. Mela we travel alone, hey.
What a bunch of corrupt freeloaders. It’s unbelievable.
L-aqwa li qatghu euro u nofs mill-prezz ta’ cilindru gass f’Awissu u Settembru, halli inkunu nistghu nixghelu l-heaters f’temperatura ta’ 37C.
People would rather they didn’t have to pay for your wife’s and children’s tickets to Los Angeles and for their hotel rooms, plus those of their entourage and various cabinet freeloaders, Prime Minister.