Don't say I don't keep you entertained: Comment of the Week from

Published: May 5, 2010 at 9:43pm
Toxic waste? I'll give them toxic waste.

Toxic waste? I'll give them toxic waste.

Posted beneath the report ‘Muscat urges Nationalist MPs to vote with the Opposition on the power station’:

C Falzon
How can 31 tons fill 12 of those containers?

Each one of those containers has a capacity of 39 cubic metres. That toxic weight must be lighter than feathers.

Either that or Joseph Muscat is using the calculator he inherited from Alfred Sant.

victor vella
Forsi dahal Toni Zarb maghom, sur Falzon.

9 Comments Comment

  1. Cannot Resist Anymore! says:

    I feel like a ton of toxic waste – have not had my chocolate bar yet.

  2. david g says:

    This is getting ridiculous. Whenever we have a major project coming up, the Opposition and its allies criticize it and spread misinformation, but present no real alternative or solution.

    Then the media and The People repeat the negative criticism without knowing its full meaning.

    Take the new power station as a case in point. The critics in politics and the media mix up terms such as “gas turbine”, “heavy fuel oil”, “light fuel oil”, etc.

    A gas turbine is a gas turbine and has nothing to do with the type of fuel used by the power station. I suggest that doctors should stick to medicine and lawyers to law and appoint engineers to comment about technology. What do Marie Louise Coleiro Preca and Marlene Pullicino Orlando know about power stations?

    [Daphne – Marlene Pullicino Orlando knows about power stations by osmosis. She’s friends with Tarcisio Mifsud, who was finance manager at Enemalta and is now on the same band club committee as her paRRRRRtneRRRRRR Godfrey Farrugia. Don’t forget that she presented his MBA dissertion to parliament, 11 years after he wrote it.]

  3. david g says:

    Tarcisio comes from Finance and not from Engineering. Iktar nahseb li Marlene hija defsa.

    What the hell does his MBA dissertation have any value or contribution nowadays. You need consultants with vast experience, acknowledge and a track record of achievements with the world renowned corporations of energy generation companies.

    Imagine what the results would be if they were to manage this country according to their supporters’ hypothetical dissertations or theses.

    [Daphne – But that’s how they think, isn’t it? Il-partit tac-certifikati u l-menigment konsaltints.]

  4. ciccio2010 says:

    Thanks for the entertainment.
    Now, for some mathematics. reports that Joseph Muscat spoke from a podium surrounded by 12 containers stacked in a semi-circle. Those dozen containers, he said, showed the amount of fly-ash which the power station extension will produce every week.

    A banner on one of those containers bore the leged “31 tonnes of daily toxic waste” – let us assume it is all fly-ash.

    Fly-ash weighs 143.52lbs per cubit foot (the information I have is given in the Imperial system).

    31 tonnes are 70,000lbs. A thousand pounds convert to 453.592kg, and that’s assuming Muscat’s tonnes are metric and not Imperial. So we’re looking at 13.592 cubic metres.

    A Standard 20 container has a volume of about 33 cubic metres. A Standard 40 container has a volume of about 68 cubic metres.

    This means that the fly-ash generated in a week would fit into 2.9 Standard 20 containers.

    Shall we ask the Auditor to investigate the difference?

    Or we can ask Astrid.

  5. Silvio Farrugia says:

    David g, where do you live?

  6. J Busuttil says:

    Maybe Tarcisio Mifsud’s MBA dissertation was based on the workings of the second-hand turbine brought over to the Marsa power station from the Palermo grid in Mintoff’s time.

  7. Augustus says:

    Marlene Pullicino Orlando is an expert in any subject you can imagine; abortion, divorce, power stations, dockyards, finance, anyway, the list is endless.

    Watch all the TV discussion programmes, and “hey presto” there she is.

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