Din bhal tar-referendum, Joseph
May 7, 2010 at 5:22pm
Joseph Muscat’s recent past has come back to bite him in the ass.
Seven years ago he was tacked to Sant’s coat-tails, chanting ‘Partnership won the referendum’.
Now here he is, saying that his party won last night’s vote.
Sant No. 2, and he thinks he’s David Cameron.
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Dear God
What would they actually accomplish if they had to REALLY work for a living? I really WORK for a living and have to do that all over the shitty part of the continents nobody else wants to go to.
These twats wouldn’t last 5 minutes!
L-aqwa li ‘it is all about values’.
Right after the result, Muscat heckled Eddie Fenech Adami, pushing the microphone into his face, to ask him whether he is going to resign. I remember he was red in the face. He can’t control his emotions.
Can you imagine this kid with other EU leaders?
And now, after promoting himself as progressive and moderate, with the example of David Cameron’s trend, Joseph Muscat has to promote himself as conservative. Where the wind blows–such an empty vessel.
So first he said the Nationalist whip should grant a “free vote” because it’s not a budgetary bill and a “no” vote won’t topple the government… now he’s making such a fuss.
And the fact that you have to respect parliamentary procedure, to respect democracy, escapes him.
What can we do to prevent the calamity of a next Labour government?
Ara qalmadoff ma jismakhomx tghidu li tlifna il-vot fuq il-mozzjoni tal-BWSC, ghax jmur qatt bla habel igib in-nanna tieghu ghalina.
Kemm tiflah tkun vojt! I’m sorry Ms. Caruana Galizia imma waqajt fil-bassezzi eh! taf x’jigifieri frame-up politiku fil-parlament, biex min qieghed fil-poter jiehu re-vote! kieku din grat f’kumpanija kummercjali kienet tammonta ghal reat kriminali! dan huwa frodi! irrispettivament minn kif ivvota Mario Galea, hemm prassi fil-parlament li jridu jimxu maghhom u li kieku ried jaghmel l-affarijiet sew Dr. Gonzi kien jipprezenta kontro-mozzjoni fil-parlament dil-gimgha! hallina ms caruana galizia! forsi jirnexxielek tidhaq b’xi nies li msieken jaqblu mieghek fuq dan il-blog imma nassigurak li hawn nies ohra li jkunu jafu sew x’inhu jigri ta! (ghax int minghalik li wahdek taf x’inhu jigri)
Imparzjali hafna dal- blog. U bilancjat!
Imparzjali hafna dal-blog. U bilancjat! Kif tistghu taraw, l-ebda bias politiku.
Welcome to this blog Jingo and jingo.
Jingo, li kieku l-lapsus li ghamel Galea ghamlu Franco Debono, Joseph kien ikollu ragun jghajjat vittorja.
Imma li ssejjah zball fil-vot fis-siegha u nofs ta’ fil-ghodu wara dibattitu ta’ xi seba’ sieghat bhala problema fil-gvern ta’ Gonzi hi patetika!
Jien wara kwarta nismgha tahdita nibda nghati bir-ras ahseb u ara jkun qabez nofs il-lejl. Kellu bzonn il-problemi ta’ Gonzi ikunu kollha hekk.
Jekk jidirlek xi haga habbat bieb iehor, jingo. Hadd ma baghat ghalik – wahdek dhalt.
Daphne, why can’t you admit that this time a Nationalist MP stuffed up a little?
[Daphne – I did. But then I also know the back story.]
When you write about society and current affairs which are not of a (local) partisan nature you are very balanced, coherent and rational (when so many others are not) – and that’s why you’re a good journalist and your essays serve as a good read.
[Daphne – No, Ian. When I write about elsewhere I am not involved. When I write about Malta, I am involved and therefore my opinions are stronger because they are those of a person with a vested, direct interest – and by vested, direct interest I don’t mean anything other than this: Malta is so small that government and opposition both define the way we live. With a bunch of crazy people queuing to be let into government, I’m not going to be balanced. I’m going to bring out my pitch-fork and hold them off.]
But when it comes to such partisan matters, you almost invariably take one side.
[Daphne – Oh what a surprise. Obviously, I take one side. I don’t sit in that polling-booth and vote for all three parties. It’s precisely because I take one side that people read me – none of this sitting on the fence bullshit.]
Although Muscat telling his MPs to walk out was wrong from a pragmatic point of view, don’t you think that if the PN were in opposition they would have done the same?
[Daphne – Definitely not. That’s why I vote for them. They know the law, they know how to behave, and they’re crass, vulgar, insane hamalli and criecer. A few of them are, yes, but thankfully the overriding party ethos is not that. Can you imagine the Nationalist Party sticking in the likes of Toni Abela and Anglu Farrugia as deputy leaders, or electing Joseph Muscat to take them to victory? That’s right: you can’t.]
The bottom-line of this story is not blue or red, but that some MPs (people who we trusted with our votes to represent us and administer our country) simply cannot say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ without making a meal of it. Reminds me of JAM pressing the wrong button.
Toni Abela? Crass? Vulgar? U leeeeeeeee!
“they’re crass, vulgar, insane hamalli and criecer.”
And that alone is more than reason enough not to vote for them but there are others like incompetent, “HODOR”, inept and almost all have one hell of a chip on their shoulder!
Daphne, I agree with you in saying that the Nationalist Party knows the law, because they are specialists and professionals in going around it- defrauding a vote in parliament is one such thing.
[Daphne – Fraud is a crime.]
I know. but parliament as immunity – if you know law – it would have been a crime had it happened in a commercial company while directors vote.
Ma jitaghallmu qatt u qatt dawn in-nies,hasra
I think we really should be thankful to Joseph Muscat and his bunch of nit-wits for not missing a chance to remind us that the old Labour Party – the spiteful, hateful and vile party of Mintoff and KMB – is still alive and kicking within the ‘new’ Labour.
Their pathetic reaction to a genuine mistake, which was immediately corrected, was totally insane.
With hindsight I am morally convinced (remember him?) that they had planned some show-down anyway, which they expected to be shown live on state television, and when this did not happen, they acted this way like a bunch of sore losers.
Those Labour MPs have all been cloned after their lowest common denominator, Joe Debono Grech. God forbid this bunch ever get to run the country.
This video really is worth watching, though make sure you look out for the ginger guy:
Talking of the referendum, here’s another video to jog people’s memory:
Let us see now, we had the original Delimara power station, the Regional Road bridge, the triq ta’ Burmarrad, Mater Dei Hospital, the waiting list at Mater Dei, the kontijiet tad-dawl u ilma, the vehicle registration tax, the kontijiet tad-dawl u ilma again, the Marsa power station, the Piano project, the ‘roofless theatre’, the new power station – now, what else is there left to gripe about and give the impression to voters that the PL is doing something? Are we to have yet another 3 years of these time-wasters supported by public funds?
The more Joseph Muscat acts like he did last night in parliament, the more I am convinced that isn’t much more than an overgrown schoolboy.
There’s a simple solution to this; we’re all human after all and subject to a lapsus now and then. When we’re about to make an important decision on our computers, the system politely asks us, “Are you sure?” If you get it wrong the second time, you deserve to lose out.
The voting will take a bit longer but hey, it’s not like these people are sweating their lives away.
Leonard, good idea. Do you remember “Mai Dire Gol,” some 15 years back? There was a guy who was always at his computer. Every time he typed something there was that squeaky voice saying “Attendere prego.” That should precede your “Are you sure” so as to give the deputy some time to check his first reply.
Hanzir taqtalu nembu, hanzir jibqa.
In Maltese one hears the expression “Le mhux hekk, li kieku kont jien ma kontx naghmel hekk, imma kont ………”
I heard nothing of the sort coming out of the mouth of this school brat wearing a school tie along with a pair of man’s shoes and occupying the bench of a useful idiot.
I have never voted PL and never will, but i am seriously thinking of not voting in the next elections. I do not think that mistakes like this should happen, although i totally condemn PL for moving out. But the worst thing PN have done is to justify themselves saying that Justyne made the same mistake when it was not the case.
As with regards to the PS issue, being an engineer, i know that the proposed setup will be doing more harm than good, environmentally.
[Daphne – Are engineers in the habit of using i instead of I? I thought precision was a hallmark of engineering.]
I’m glad that Labour is shouting so much about this. They are showing us who they really are. Let them shout. Let them make a fuss. Let them show their thirst for power. Let Muscat bring in the old Labour faces. Let them show us that they’re back. The more they shout the stronger the PN becomes. It happened in the past it will happen again now.
There is one word in English which very accurately summarises Joey’s behaviour on television following the despicable rumpus in Malta’s highest institution. This is “popinjay” a term often used with reference to politicians like him. The equivalent in Maltese escapes me if it exists at all.
Quite apart from the details of the whole controversy, I feel irritated by the inappropriate use of the word ‘frame-up’. A frame-up is when someone plants evidence or creates false clues so as to incriminate an innocent person. Nothing of the sort has happened in the case of Justyne Caruana so, while Labour might claim that she was falsely accused, she was definitely not framed.
Admittedly it’s a minor point but I can’t help feeling that this careless use of words indicates a disorderliness of thought, an ‘anything goes’ attitude.
Din hija site ta nies li ma ghandhomx kapacita’ intelletwali li jaraw dak li jaghmel il- partit fil-gvern. Tal-misthija, u billi issemmaw il-passat ma jfissirx li il-partit jista’ jaghmel li jrid fil-present.
Irridu demokrazija – pajjiz tal mickey mouse. Daphne for president jonqos!!! Dik tkun farsa pero ma nehodiex bi kbira li jseh (hbieb tal-hbieb – ux vera daph :) )
Green is the word that coems to mind after reading Joseph Fenech’s bit. The green of envy not the environmental “green”.