Another result for this website: Israeli ambassador files report on Charlie Azzopardi
The Israeli ambassador to Malta, Oren David, has filed a report with Israel’s Foreign Ministry about the anti-Semitic views expressed by Charlie Azzopardi, a consultant to a Maltese cabinet minister, and that cabinet minister’s indifference (“he has a right to his opinion”) when quizzed about the matter by journalists.
The cabinet minister in question is Michael Farrugia, the Minister for ‘Social Solidarity’ (ironically).
These village buffoons are completely oblivious to the fact that they are not operating at band club level and within the confines of a small island, but that their words now resonate at international level, with the inevitable consequences.
I sometimes wonder what the Labour Party thinks ambassadors are for, and what they do. What they do – if they are not the likes of Norman Hamilton, Ray Azzopardi, Marisa Micallef, her cousin Mark Micallef and, God help us, Joseph Cuschieri – is spend their days gathering intelligence, getting the low-down on key people, and filing reports on the unsavoury remarks made by government politicians and their consultants.
The files on Joe Grima, the prime minister’s special envoy, must be as thick by now as he is obese.
What a great idea it was to put these goons into government.