Not a merry Christmas for De La Rue employees
For employees of De La Rue in Malta, December began with the news that the company will be making 300 people redundant. De La Rue prints bank notes, and as people across the world use less and less hard currency, the company is dealing with a steep decline in business.
But this did not stop the company management sending out its routine Christmas card to all employees, just the same, even though those employees are facing anything but a merry Christmas and a happy new year with the Russian roulette of redundancy and not knowing who is going to survive.
This morning I received the following email.
Bhala persuna li nsegwi l-blog tieghek, nixtieq naqsam mieghek biza’ kbir li familti ghaddejja minnhu ghall-fatt li membru tal-familja ser titlef l-impjieg.
Il-management tal-kumpanija li maghha tahdem, wera kemm hu ipokrita. Fl-ewwel gimgha ta’ Dicembru, qalilhom bl-ahbar promittenti fuq l-ahbarjiet, li ser jinvesti, u fl-istess nifs li ser ikecci 300 had diem.
Ta’ dan il-gvern qal li ser jghin pero baqa’ perpless, mhux kif ghamel Dr Lawrence Gonzi Prim Ministru meta affacjat bi problema simili bhal tal-ST Microelectronics, li ghennhom mal-ewwel biex l-ebda haddiem ma jbghati, jew jitlef hobzu.
Issa pero, biex il-management juri kemm hu ipokrita’, bghat kartolina tal-Milied, jawgura l-festi t-tajba, u sena gdida mimlja risq. Risq bla xoghol?
Napprezza jekk taqsam mal-qarrejja tal-blog tieghek dan il-fatt.