Michael Falzon to be given standing ovation at the Orpheum Theatre in Gzira this morning

Published: January 24, 2016 at 9:17am

There’s a Labour Party rally scheduled at the Orpheum Theatre in Gzira this morning. Michael Falzon will be there. Throughout yesterday, agents of the Labour Party rallied people to ensure they fill the house, and gave them ‘secret’ instructions to stand and applaud Michael Falzon enthusiastically.

And of course, the executive chairman of the Malta Council for Science and Technology, who should never go to a political rally let alone encourage others to do so, and who is the focus of scandal himself because of his personal chauffeur’s shocking involvement in the PlusOne nightclub disaster, gives the game away.

This is particularly dreadful because Michael Falzon did not resign, but was dismissed. His letter to the Prime Minister was not a resignation letter but an ‘I leave the decision in your hands’ letter.

This is going to be a repeat performance of what happened with Cyrus Engerer, who was asked to pull out of the European Parliament electoral race when he was given a two-and-a-half-year prison sentence on appeal, but then lionised and celebrated by the Prime Minister personally at a meeting in which he was hailed as a “soldier of steel”, following which he was rewarded with extremely well paid jobs in Brussels for himself and his boyfriend Randolph Debattista, who was actually – and appallingly – appointed chef de cabinet to the Permanent Representative.

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