Gensna II: the heroic struggle of a valiant Maltese columnist against the hakma of a political party machine. Beset on all fronts by evil midgets, bearded wonders and Long John Silver without his parrot, she continues to Lead the World and fly the flag for Malta in long-distance countries.
Given that the Labour Party is now framing the persona of its leader and his wife in the context of a heroic struggle against adversity, hairline fractures, medical conditions, fathers with bits of their right palm gone AWOL and women who have children (amazing, what a feat) while studying (my god), here’s another story that might appeal to them.
In the Old Testament, they call it David and Goliath, but Kurt Farrugia might have to look it up, given that all men are Goliath in his world view.
Yoo-hoo, Kurt – what’s the weather like down there?
Alexa Traffic Ranking for Malta (MT)
Forgive me my smug bastard moment, but I think I deserve it. A whole team of people working full time, the entire weight of the Opposition behind it, a major political party to bankroll it and promote it, and Maltastar is just three places ahead of a website run by one woman for fun in her spare time off a single laptop on her dining-room table, in between and around her real work of producing one magazine every three weeks and 104 newspaper columns a year.
Christ, no wonder they hate me.
Well, two fingers to that.
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And most of those Maltastar hits are probably people looking for a laugh!
Or people who visit their site because Daphne promotes it so heavily.
Very charitable of you, Daph.
Those evil midgets – would they be related to the poison dwarfs?
And do you think a pair of these would help Kurt Farrugia feel less embittered?
I think a pair of these is what he really wants. Or needs.
[Daphne – For heaven’s sake! You know I can’t upload pictures like that. I’ve deleted the link. No need for it anyway. People can work it out from your nick – unless they write for Maltastar.]
True, Hot Tongs (my!). What happens is that I read about Maltastar’s latest idiocy on Daphne’s blog, and then go to the primary source to check it out and have a laugh. It’s Daphne who’s pushing up their rankings.
Most of those hits huma ta’ dawk li jzuru dan is-site. Jien ghadni kif mort ghand Maltastar ghax certu Maryanne qalet fuq x’ kien liebes Norman Hamilton f`intervista li ghamel lil ma nafx min.
Biex tara kemm domt hemm.
Ghalkemm ma naqbilx maghha ghax jekk ghandhu id-difetti kollha, Norman dejjem tajjeb jilbes…skond jien, ehh….forsi dik id-darba l-ingravata ma tantx kienet tmur mal-glekk, imma darba kulhadd ifalli nahseb.
Imma, u biex nibqa fuq is-suggett, kieku ma kienitx xi haga hekk, jien naqra il-gazzetti Inglizi kont immur, ghax dak il-programm tieghi….l-ewwel hawn, u wara foreign newspapers. “Leading the congregation were President George Abela, Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi and PL deputy leader Anglu Farrugia, representing party leader Joseph Muscat. A PL spokesman said that Joseph Muscat was advised not to attend two consecutive public events due to his present medical condition. He plans to attend tomorrow’s funeral.”
This begs the question as to how he plans to run the country if going to two funerals in two days with a hairline fracture incurred several weeks ago is beyond his endurance.
Ha jaqbdu brejkdawn fl-ewwel gimgha Kastilja. u floku bhala prim ikollna Mrs Michelle Muscat the wife of the Prime Minister Dr Joseph Muscat.
There’s a word for people like those two: chancers.
When they say “hairline fracture” does that mean his receding hairline has opened up a fault in his skull? I’m not very well versed in anatomy and I think I should consult the experts over at Maltastar.
H.P. Baxxter, the hairline affair is trivial. The problem is between Michelle and Carla – haven’t closed an eyelid all night:
And to make matters worse, Woody Al Boner has grown old and slightly wiser:
Even Eileen is worth more than that. Michelle, I’m not sure…
Kev, as I understand it, you do not particularly like Joseph Muscat.
Why don’t you and fellow-minded Labourites summon up some intellectual courage and criticise him openly?
Surely there is something deeply reprehensible about a country filled with politicians and commentators more concerned with covering their backsides and protecting their careers than being true to themselves.
H.P. Baxxter – You’re addressing the wrong dissident here.
I’d rather spend time exposing deceptive globalists than a prospective prime mayor of a lost rock. Besides, I generally come here for a break from supranational politics.
This blog happens to be the flip-side of Maltastar – the smarter side of petty politics, but just as constrained and ill-informed of the world beyond. The PL and the PN play the same tune with different instruments. I cannot change their tune and the instruments are irrelevant to me.
Ultimately, Joseph is Joseph. You get what you see unless you’re hopelessly blind.
You wait, he’ll be walking about as if he’s been set upon by the Taliban. A little bit of drama never did anybody any harm, he thinks. Honestly all these theatrics make you wonder if he has a limp handshake.
Pull your socks up Joseph.
As with Helen of TROY, a thousand ships to get one woman.
‘Operation Daphlexa’
All Maltastar personnel to download the Alexa toolbar for improved ratings.
(Oh, but they’ve done that already)
they are probably typing! jew!
Story of a ‘minor child’, who has apparently turned 15 and so has his father.
*cringe, cringe, cringe!*
Maltastar never fails to entertain:
“Valencia out for season after horror injury”
What about ‘a meeting of minds’? I still cannot understand exactly what they mean.
Nope – me neither.
OK it’s another ‘Gonzi = bad, Muscat = good’ piece, but there is no substance or reason there whatsoever.
I dunno – maybe they think their piss-poor attempt to attack ‘lone voice’ DCG is some master stroke to finally defeat/silence/outwit her?
Well, Daphne? Are you shaking in your pumps right now, and packing away your laptop for good?
[Daphne – Of course. Even as we speak.]
Alexa Traffic Ranking for Malta (MT)
[Daphne – I must ring Marie Benoit for that champagne she’s been putting aside for a Labour victory.]
lol you deserve an award
I wouldn’t, champagne doesn’t age all that well!
Your obsession with Joe Muscat is pathological!
[Daphne – Oh, is there another opposition leader? I hadn’t noticed. Who is the AD leader, nowadays, anyway? Do tell.]