Keith Schembri’s holdings in the British Virgin Islands are NOT for Kasco

Published: March 11, 2016 at 1:47pm

The Prime Minister, when quizzed about his chief of staff’s holdings in offshore tax haven the British Virgin Islands (BVI), says that he is aware his chief of staff has “strutturi internazzjonali” and that he needs them for his business, because “ghamel success”.

The Prime Minister is lying. Keith Schembri’s holdings in the British Virgin Islands are not for his legitimate Kasco business. He is the beneficiary of those holdings in his personal name.

There is far more to this story and it involves Allied Newspapers Ltd, publishers of the Times of Malta and The Sunday Times, directly impacting on the credibility of those two newspapers in the run-up to the general election of 2013, with graft in high places.

But more about that later. This is the scandal of the century – a tangled web of corruption, sleaze and white-collar crime.

Keith Kasco owe me