Anglu Farrugia is coming up behind – and Joseph hasn't noticed
If you were Joseph Muscat, with a ruthlessly ambitious Anglu Farrugia coming up behind, would you play sick and look like you’re crumbling and can’t cope?
So OK, Anglu’s a bit thick – well, a lot, actually -but you don’t necessarily need brains to shove others out of the way and get to the top, as history has shown. All you need is steely determination and self-belief, and Anglu Farrugia has plenty of both.
Now he has a new look – because you know, a clean shave takes years off a man and he’s understood at last that the moustache was so very reminiscent of his police inspector days.
And Maltastar, because its staff are thick too, has filed this photograph as ‘anglufarrugianew’.
“There’s something different about Anglu in this picture, but I can’t work out what it is.”
“Foris ghamel il-botox.”
“Le, ta, ma nahsibx. I know there’s something different though. I’ll just have a coffee and think about it.”
“He’s plucked his eyebrows.”
“No, no. Something else. Could it be his haircut?”
“Look, just name it ‘anglufarrugianew’ and then we’ll know that it’s the one he told us to use from now on.”
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Daphne you may start fancying this cretin now!
Ahna n-nisa nitqaxxru minn fuq s’isfel biex nidru ahjar u certu rgiel donnu s-suf joghgobhom ghax ihallu l-“goatie” biex jidru maturi.
He really resembles Michael Falzon.
You mean a leaner version of Manuel Mallia.
New looks and all will not change his character.
Forsi ghax irnexxilu jisforsa tbissima!
A wolf in sheep’s clothing, and a conniving person who will stop at nothing to crown himself emperor.
For Inspector Gadget Joseph is easy prey. I heard through the grapevine that he’s already manoeuvering his supporters in a bid to ensure that he becomes leader should Joseph u is-sinjura (that’s what he calls Michelle) lose the next election.
Mhux forsi daqxejn Brolac ukoll?
A very good friend once told me that he assesses others by looking them in the eyes – the eyes speak volumes. Over the years I have perfected my assessments and have rarely found them wanting.
Look at Anglu Farrugia’s eyes in this anglufarrugianew.jpg and just reflect on what they tell you. On a scale of 1 – 10 how trustworthy do the eyes tell you he is?
It may be an old wives’ tale and based on nothing more than perceptions but it has stood me well and I am sticking it.
On my scale of 1 – 10 it’s a 6…….others?
the lips smile but the eyes do not…
Il lupo perde il pelo ma non il vizo.
Someone got a visit from “queer eye for the straight eye”.
Maybe he will be replacing his moustache with the new party emblem.
He won’t last long as Labour leader. Too boring. He’s a one-man crowd dispersal unit.
You know what they say about men who’ve hit the menopause. If they start taking trouble with their appearance, they’re having an affair – or looking for one.
Forsi qed jithajjar minn shabu. Join Labour. Work for Super One. Become a lawyer late in life. Think you’ve reached the apex of sex appeal. Have a fling. Leave your marriage. Be seen about town with a ‘partner’. Look in the mirror and think ‘Yes, I’m modern.’