Have you all forgotten that the New Zealand trust is actually Mrs Konrad Mizzi’s and not his?
To be more specific, the ultimate beneficial owners of the Rotorua Trust in New Zealand do not include Malta’s Minister of Health & Energy. They are solely his wife and two minor daughters.
Mrs Mizzi, is a politically exposed person (PEP) in her own right, and not just by dint of being married to a cabinet minister. She is a high official of the Maltese government.
Yet she has completely escaped media scrutiny on this particular matter, while the spotlight falls squarely on her husband as he is more conveniently located.
There are THREE, not two, Maltese government officials in Panama Papers. They are Konrad Mizzi, Minister of Health and Energy, Keith Schembri, the Prime Minister’s chief of staff, and Sai Mizzi Liang, Malta’s consul and Malta Enterprise envoy in Shanghai.
This is a CRUCIAL fact and it shouldn’t be allowed to slip through the net. Sai Mizzi Liang is being treated as a ‘wife’ holding her PEP husband’s assets, but she is a prominent PEP herself.
Meanwhile, my source in Shanghai informs me that the Maltese Consulate in that city still has no listed telephone or fax number. This is confirmed by the official listing on China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs website(see screenshot below).
My source in Shanghai says that there is nobody actually in the office either, and that to apply for a Maltese visa, you have to go to a visa centre in a different part of the city.
Mrs Mizzi may well be living in Beijing and not Shanghai. Since the government refuses to give the press and the Opposition information about this, one way round it might be to ask at which international school the Mizzis’ daughters have been registered, in Shanghai or Beijing. Taxpayers in Malta are paying 90% of their school fees there and have a right to know.