Panama Papers fall-out predicted for Leo Brincat at European Court of Auditors interview
The Malta Independent asked Nationalist MEP David Casa what we can expect to happen at Leo Brincat’s interview by the European Parliament’s Budgetary Committee, for the post at the European Court of Auditors.
He replied that inevitably, it will be be “dominated by the Panama papers and the details of damning revelations about Keith Schembri and Konrad Mizzi, culminating in Leo Brincat’s vote to protect these individuals. The Court of Auditors is an institution set up to fight fiscal corruption.”
He added that while some among the Maltese public “may still be giving Mizzi, Schembri and by association, the Prime Minister the benefit of the doubt, there is no such impression in European circles. There is no doubt there that the manoeuvres being made were illicit and completely unacceptable. Leo Brincat will find it hard to convince committee members that he will be committed to the raison d’etre of the Court of Auditors when he has just failed so miserably at home.”